Chapter 3: Meeting Honeypaw

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  The big kit, I guessed was an apprentice, looked kind of annoyed, so to avoid her gaze I stared at her beautiful, sun-spotted pelt. She smiled back at me. "Well I guess you're the new kit aren't you? And that kit over there-" she pointed with her tail towards Sprucekit, "-who's that? Your denmate?". "Ac-actually she's my sister." I stammered. "Oh, okay. I'm sorry. You guys just don't look very similar, you know? I'm Honeypaw by the way. You must be Silverkit and your sister is Sprucekit right?". I nodded, and saw that Sprucekit was coming over as well. "Hi, sorry for my sister, she's really clumsy...". Now it was my turn to tackle her to the ground, and we rolled around. "At least I'm less clumsy than you! You could barely run!" I challenged. "I'll show you who's the clumsy one!" Sprucekit spat. "Come back to the den now!" Dovewing cried, looking very stern. I waved bye with my tail to Honeypaw, who looked like she wants to laugh out loud. Dovewing took us to the nursery, and started licking us furiously. "Look at your pelts! I don't know any kit who has gotten this dirty in one day before!" she muttered between licks. She seemed concerned. "Sorry mommy." I said timidly, "I won't be as mouse-brained as I was ever again!". Dovewing looked satisfied. "Okay, then keep your promise.". Sprucekit and I cuddled in Dovewing's fur and fell asleep.

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