Bonus Chapter: Home Alone

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   "Spruceshade?" I whispered, hoping that she was still there. But the nest beside me was empty, and so was Silverstorm's. I pawed at the nests with my eyes half-closed, panicking. Where were they? Hadn't they come back yet from their walk? I got up, padded outside, half expecting them to be there, chatting away, or hunting. "Hunting probably." I reassured myself, but they would've been back by now, carrying prey with them. Around me, the Clan was coming to life. Cats streamed out their dens, and Squirrelflight started assigning patrols. "Okay, lazy cats. Time to get sore and tired, like everyday. Hunting patrol will be led by Whitewing, and Silverstorm, Spruceshade, Fernsong and Larkwing, will go with her." she announced. The named cats padded towards Whitewing, and I followed reluctantly, as Squirrelflight started organizing the border patrol. But she noticed that two cats were not with Whitewing. "Where are those slow pokes at! It's already almost sun-high! I'll teach them a lesson or two with m-" Before she could finish, she saw their nests, empty and dry as if no one cleaned it. "Search patrol. We need to find them." Squirrelflight started again, composing herself. "Okay. Larkwing, you have a good nose and eyes. You go. Bumblestripe will replace you in hunting. Brightheart, you're good too. And... Leafmist, go with them. Search the territory very thoroughly." she instructed. We bounded into the woods. I searched everywhere, hoping that under every bush, every tree, there might be two tabby she-cats. But they couldn't be found. "Did they run away?" Leafmist asked. "They couldn't have!" I gasped at the thought of them being far away, in a dangerous and unknown place. "It's the only explanation. They wouldn't be abducted, because I know those two would've put up quite a fight, and there would be blood and the scent of the attacker." Brightheart shook her head. We returned to camp, tails trailing through the dust. Bramblestar shook his head. "Why?" he asked, "We can only pray that they have StarClan's protection, wherever they are. And if they're breaking the warrior code, then they will be punished. But-". Squirrelflight and him looked at each other, suddenly understanding looks in their eyes. "What?" I asked, hoping they had an idea why Spruceshade and Silverstorm had run away. "Nothing. Get back to your duties please, Larkwing. You've done enough." Bramblestar commanded. "Yes, Bramblestar." I lowered my head, and padded away. My heart ached when I imagined Spruceshade flicking her tail under my nose, and calling me a stupid furball. But, even after all that, she's still my mate, after all. She's also really sweet once you get to know her. The last thing that I want happening to her is her getting killed by a fox. If that happened, I wouldn't believe how I would live without her, always there for me.

Warrior cats - Spruceshade and Silverstorm COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now