Cry Me a River

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Silvermist POV

Where could that turtle be?

Leaving the premises of the furious red frizzy head yelling at her own turtle boyfriend causing a crowd around them and the other two from the Shattered Stones band. I hurried over to a dark corner making sure no one saw and turned transparent feeling the sensation of lightness in me and began to research for the blue masked leader. Wings fluttering softly to not touch the crowd of teens moving around the room, so far I've seen the reds, and orange couple; not viewing the purples or yellows( April and Casey).

I decided to check outside, making it successfully out the open back door, my feet set their selves unto the ground once again looking around where no soul was located at.

???: Get off ya creep!

With that being my only clue of a familiar, yet unknown voice carry me to surprisingly the roof of the two story house to see the unspeakable. The scene surprised me so much mistakenly coming out of my invisible form.

???: Why the hell are you fighting me?

Leo: Who do you work for? 

???: What?!

Leo: The Shredder. The foot? Tell me!

???: You crazy bastard

Leo froze in mid air of his action, until seconds later he came back feeling the anger roll off of him.

Silvermist: L-Leo?

That was when they finally paused on what they were fighting about. I still don't now the whole story; such as how they get on the roof in the first place. My blue turtle was breathing heavily and so was- wait, it was that boy with the yellow-dyed streak in the middle of his hair. His dark orbs sent undesirable shivers down my wings, my own eyes wouldn't stop going from Leo to the boy and over again. Heart clenched in despair seeing Leonardo's face so shocked and knew that he was suffering with the guilt now realizing I wasn't just an illusion, I wanted to scream, I wanted to tell him off and to apologize to the innocent teen who looked nothing but shocked. Wet droplets slithered down my left cheek then the other, I couldn't force them to stop, it only lead to more tears forming at the brim, the sight sickens me the most. Leo was never the turtle, nor soul to go off on anyone without a good reason, and the fact that he's out here.

how he's being discovered right in front of a regular human being

how he's not on patrol like he said he would 

how he doesn't trust us.... like the first time, and then everything went wrong when they showed their selves sneaking around until being discovered.

I found myself pressing my palms against my temples feeling the harsh headache pressing through. With clenched teeth, I did my best sucking it up, looking past my sadness composing myself enough to look at the two boys. 

Breathing in and slowly letting it out, raised my hand in the air to see my symbol glowing once more and felt the magic flow through me.


Dammit, my coast been discovered all because of this jerk. 


Leo: Everyone knows the plan?

Raph: Well except for Mikey

Mikey: Heyyy

Ignoring the two I gave the que and we disperse from our hiding spot. Setting up the phone call connection.

Raph- hiding in the house in a dark corner

Mikey- hiding outside the house

Donnie& Casey- hiding in the bushes around the house to hide the technology he carries

Once upon a baby Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang