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Katsuki Yuuri

Ive been trying to text Phitchit all day but he hasnt answered me, i need an answer to what he meant yesterday by him buying another ticket for the con, i get to meet Viktor tomorrow and holy shit im not ready, should i look nice? should i dress fancy? what shoulder i wear? Ugh, im gonna meet my idol in person AND tomorrow! To say im just nervous and anxious is an understatement; im surprised, amazed, astonished, perplexed, scared, worried, at a loss for words, and excited all at the same time. "Yuuri, theres someone here to see you!", My mom calls from downstairs as i groan then walk downstairs coming out of my room and walking past other rooms that are for my family but one of them is just a guest room incase i have a friend stay a couple of nights or something like that, although i usually sleep in the living room with them and i never have any friends over due to Yuuko and Takeshi being my only friends and now those two are married with triplets for christ sake.

"Thats weird, i wasnt expecting--", i stop in my tracks to see a tan thai boy standing in front of the closed door as my eyes widen then i smile and run to hug him, we both chuckle after letting go. "I thought you werent coming until tomorrow?!", "I wanted to surprise you!", he chuckles before my mom telling me to show him to the guest room; aka the one accross the hall from mine because theres actually three, theres that one and one next to my room and then another in a different part of this place. I drop Phitchit off in the room then we sat down and talked for what seemed like hours. "Sooo are you excited to meet your future boyfriend tomorrow~?", He teases me with a wink and i slightly blush but huff in annoyance, "Hes not my future boyfriend. I mean, sures hes hot and sexy and cute and all but im not gay plus im sure hes got a girlfriend or something", for some reason Phitchit starts to burst into a fit of laughter while im sitting here confused.

"OHMYGODYUURIDIDYOUJUSTHEARYOURSELF---", he starts wheezing and fanning his face after laughing so hard because he started cry, "What?", i ask dumbfounded as he starts to laugh again. "YOU LITERALLY JUST CALLED HIM HOT AND SEXY!", he yells and starts laughing again but i just role my eyes at him, "Other guys think that too, im sure!", i say trying to defend myself although its obviously not working, "ONLY GAY OR BI GUYS THOUGH AND HONEY JUST BY THE WAY WE TALK ONLINE AND THE WAY YOU ACT I KNOW FOR A FACT U AINT STRAIGHT OR BI!!", he turns into a fit of laughter again. "Whatever you say, good night Phitchit. Ill see you in the morning.", i chuckle slightly before walking out of the room then going back to my room and lay down in my bed.

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