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* Eat chili and wait a couple hours

*Ride a car with a missile on the back

*Fap to Beyoncé

*Find a pig head, Gandalf's stick, a sandwich made out of glass, some sticks (bitches love sticks), mix it all in a bowl, sprinkle in some spicy memes, AND YOU GOT YOUR SELF AN ATOM BOMB

*If you think this is stupid then FUK U I HAS TO BE CREATIVE SO BEAR WITH MEH DAMMIT

* Ride a cat to freedom (whilst singing this to the tune of raise a glass to freedom)

*Cut a child in half

*Waste your time writing this bullshit like me

*Give a snail steroids

*Beat your adopted child with rainbows and shnitzel

*Go eat a boat

*sdrawkcab epyt

*Politely ask your feet to cooperate

*Take a few hundred deep breaths and shoot yourself in the face

*I fell off my bed just now so ya that happened pretty fast so IT COUNTS




*Gatorade with extra gators


*Im so hungry i cant think straight so ya GOTTA GO BYE*tries to escape but trips down the stairs and dies* "oh wow m8 u fell pretty fast u won le race m8"

A How To: Goin Places REEEEEELLY FastWhere stories live. Discover now