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A/N apologize for the long wait on the update. I HAVE other things behind the scenes I've been working on.

Anyway, environment.

I think that we can all agree that one of the most told lies in public schools is "bullying will not be tolerated". Now, I was lucky enough in my middle school career to have teachers (and a principal) who responded to complaints or bullying reports, but I've heard of so many other schools, and the high school that I'm in right now, not taking any sort of action to prevent it when a student reports being bullied or harassed.

And let's take a moment for me to tell you all about my math class (of 2016). Now, there are people in there who are tolerable (the few friends that I have in there, they're much quieter than the other people in there) but there are kids in there who are loud, obnoxious, talk-back, disrespectful, rude brats. I don't mean to sound harsh, but it's true. There are approximately six kids in there like that. They have absolute no sense of integrity, and it basically represents the school's environment. The class is always loud and it's hard to focus. Then they blame the teacher for their failing grades. I can imagine you know why that would be frustrating.

But that's the kind of thing I'm talking about! The environment is complete trash! How are kids supposed to even focus on learning or what the teacher has to say when people are interrupting them and mumbling ignorant comments?! There is literally stress in the air at school in my experience.

Note: Since writing this I have moved to a new school, which is much better but It still has similar tendencies. There's to much pressure being put on young minds in these environments and it doesn't allow for much time to enjoy our last years being able to call ourselves kids. 

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