Teachers' Pay

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Teachers should be paid as well as a doctor or a lawyer, don't you agree? They've dedicated their life to giving all of America a  decent education, to present them with opportunities they otherwise wouldn't have! They're the backbone of the ENTIRE WORKFORCE. Maybe you disagree, maybe you think that the Police force, or fast food industry is the backbone of America's workforce, but think about this. Someone had to teach those police officers how to be police officer. Someone had to teach those in the fast food industry how to cook, clean and perform basic math skills. Someone had to teach doctors, lawyers, judges, scientists, and someone had to teach the teachers. If it weren't for teacher's we would be in a rut. 

And they get really bad pay. As of 2/13/18 they obtained a pay raise of 2%, and that's only because they made an issue about it (which, yes it is an issue). A teacher should make enough to be able to live, and they shouldn't have to pay their own money on supplies for the classroom. This country can do better than raising their salary a mere 2%. Teacher's are unappreciated

NOTE: This rant only applies to teachers that are well...actually teachers. Competent, patient, kind teachers who don't yell at you for stupid crap or blame stuff on you when it's obvious you didn't do it. If the teacher is not a good teacher, they do not deserve the high pay and in fact need fired to make room for a teacher who will actually teach.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2018 ⏰

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