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As they walked into Lena's home, Kara's mouth fell open and she stood in the doorway gaping. Her home wasn't anything grand like the Kryptonian had expected, it was a nice condo on the fifth floor of some place she couldn't pronounce the name of. Inside, was so different than Ms. Luthor- CEO of L-Corp. It was a perfect match for Lena. It was so colorful, the walls had lights strung across them, beautiful paintings here and there, a window the size of one of her walls looking out on the city, all white furniture, book shelves full of amazing literature. It so like her, and Kara was happy to see this part of Lena.

"Well, are you just going to stand there?" Lena asked teasingly, smirking at the flustered reporter.

"It's just so you." She murmured with a big smile.

"Is that a good thing?" The woman asked, her green eyes fixed on Kara.

"Way good. Like, I thought you'd have a place full of white and no c-color and just I-I don't know. But, I like all of this so much. This side of you, is just, wow."

Lena played with her fingers in her lap and smiled at her hands. She thought something entirely different was going to come out of Kara's mouth. But, she made her feel normal. If her mother was the one here right now, she would criticize everything and tell her how she lived like a child.

"Thank you, Ms. Danvers." She mumbled, still smiling. "The food is in my kitchen if you-" before the CEO could finish her sentence, Kara was already headed for the food. Lena burst out in a small fit of laughter at how cute Kara Danvers was. The dark haired woman swung her leg underneath her as she took a seat on her white couch.

"Lena, where are the pot stickers!?" She poked her head around the corner with a confused scowl.

"I hid them. You can have them later, after we have dinner." Lena smirked at the upset reporter.

"And why can I not have them now?" She asked coming in front of Lena and sitting Indian style.

"Because, you eat them all instead of the actual food. And I know they're your favorite, but still." Lena touched the tip of Kara's nose making a 'boop' noise, causing Kara to grin ear to ear.

"You're evil." She joked. Lena feigned an offended expression and looked away from Kara.

"Well, let's see how evil, I can really be, Kara." She whispered with a dangerous smirk before launching herself at the blonde alien and jabbing her in the sides with her fingers.

"N-no! St-stop! Oh- Rao, Lena!" She tried, but couldn't get out any full sentences as Lena was tickling her. Lena continued her methods of torture to the Kryptonian and they both burst out laughing loudly.

"You're such a-a child!" Lena exclaimed wearing a bright smile and looking down at Kara with adoring eyes.

"Please- stop! Lena!" Kara yelled, trying her best not to use her strength to pry the CEO off of her. She continued to laugh and run out of breath the longer Lena tickled her.

Lena moved away from the blonde reporter and took a seat back on the couch. Kara sat up on her elbows and playfully glared at her.

"You owe me the pot stickers, now." She tried maintaining a straight face, but ended up smiling again.

"Do I now?" Lena cocked an eyebrow and looked at the girl with an amused look.

"Yes! Yes, you do! You just assaulted me! I deserve pot stickers!" She exclaimed, still grinning like an idiot at Lena.

"What are friends for?" Lena shrugged and smirked at Kara.

"Winn is my friend and he never did that to me!" Kara said giggling. Lena chuckled and shook her head.

In Love With a LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now