how I feel (school issue)

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So at school at lot of the time in my friendship group I get called stupid and it really annoys me yes I get it its a joke but some things are best not jokes.
In primary I was bullied and called stupid all the time and when people say it at school it really hurts and reminds me of the times I was hurt by my acclaimed best friends.
I don't know why you think you can call me stupid and think I will forget and let it be or think I'm agree because I have self pride....and yes you know I can confidence issues sometimes and you saying this hurts me.
I don't care if it's a joke.
It hurts me a lot and you should be aware of this.
Also don't act like you never said (not directed at one person by the way)
So yes I'm sick of it I'm sick of these jokes that can actually sometimes hurt....

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