letter to old bully

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If I could tag this person I would but she doesn't have Wattpad.
This is a rant/letter to a old primary school.

Dear Anna,
Thank you for dumping me as friend really thank you I love you for this. You got me where I am now you left me for no reason I did nothing to you. No one really liked me in Primary everyone thought I was weird but no one is normal so it's not like they can say much.
Anna was really a good person at first and then came the hate oh so much of it......you called me every name under the Sun behind my back.
There was only one guy who was nice to me and even he stopped talking to me after we left school.
Now that I'm in high school I know who to trust and not to trust thanks to you Anna.
Yes you made me feel like shit but you know what I was the bigger person I didn't comment on how you look or how stupid some things you said because I'm not just gonna be rude back when you are rude to me.

Sorry for this I was bored and angry

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