Chapter 2

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Maya's POV ( Penny's mum )
As Penny quietly shut the door I reached for another stress ball, kneading it as if it were dough but in my brain it was Tobias' head. Suddenly, without me noticing, the ball exploded onto my clean shirt, sometimes I don't know my own strength! I took a few stress and depression tablets, not that they help much anyway. I searched round the house for Jaden whilst drinking a pint of whiskey, I spot him hiding under his race car bed playing with his toy dinosaur. Chuckling softly to himself, it is only then does he realise that he's not alone in the room as my foot lands on a creaky floor board. Jaden visibly freezes to the spot and tries to make himself invisible. " Good morning my favorite, only son. " I slur. I get drunk so quickly! I sway on the carpet, my eyes unable to focus. Patiently, I wait for my son to emerge from his hiding place. I huff and stoop low to drag Jaden from under the bed. As soon as I do, his body feels like a rag dolls, so easy to maneuver but unlife like. Only then do I realise that he hit his head, hard, on the side of Penny's study desk. Blood is creeping down the side of his head and Jaden is laid unconscious in my arms. I shriek, I can't bear the sight of blood; my stomach heaves. I turn my head to the side and am violently sick all over the forty pound carpet. Then I put Jaden in the recovery position, wrap him up in his duvet and rush to call 999 on my cell phone. Almost immediately there is a knock at the door, and standing there is a paramedic. I invite him in and he calls a few colleagues who walk in holding a stretcher. Once out of the room I look away, A to not feel squeamish and B so I wouldn't feel too guilty. I tail the ambulance as they tend to my sons needs. At the hospital they make sure he's still zoned out, then start stitching up the side if his head. I sob knowing it's all my fault, but when the doctors asked how he banged his head I lied and said he fell onto a desk. Various tubes are sticking out of him and he has a mask over his face. In a flash, the beeping thing that was checking his heartbeat turned from peaks to a continuous line. The nurses are panicking and to me are uttering complete gibberish. All I am focused on is the how slow the rising and falling of my seven year - olds chest is going. He's in a critical condition, will Jaden survive?

Authors note :
Do you think he will survive?

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