Chapter 4

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                         Maya's POV
As the door swings open all the eyes in the room turn to it. Penny is standing in the doorway, her hair disheveled, her eyes wide with worry. I scowl at her, when she catches sight of Jaden her face is a picture of anxiety. She rushes to the bed and cries his name. Gently she shakes his shoulder, as Jaden doesn't make any sign of acknowledgment she shakes a bit harder. Then as she shook his shoulder violently, the doctors yank her backwards. Penny makes a futile attempt to break free then just gives up and allows herself to be coaxed into a chair and calmed. After breathing, she stands up and once again walks over to the bed. She strokes Jadens sweaty forehead and begins to weep. The tears fall down her cheeks in torrents, but I feel no sympathy. I just stalk over to the vending machine and get a pack of peanuts. Once visiting hours were over we were ushered out of the room and sent on our jolly way. I get into my trusty Audi and speed home drenching my daughter in muddy water.

Penny's POV
I am left on the curb bawling my eyes out and completely soaked. Feeling dead inside, I mindlessly get on my bike and start riding. My legs feel like blocks of brick and my eyelids are drooping I turn into a road that I know very well. Then I secure my transport onto the gate. I ring on the doorbell and a sweet melody is heard from inside the house. Footsteps. The door creaks open and in her pajamas is my bestie, Sam. She blinks at me with her huge, emerald green, puppy dog eyes then looks at me in confusion. " Hi. " I mutter barely audible her eyes light up. " Hi! Come in. " she said. I stumbled in, feeling light headed all of a sudden. After tripping over a rug and greeting Sam's parents I passed out on the floor.

The light spilling through the curtains woke me. I was lying in the same clothes I wore yesterday and was propped up on pillows. My head throbbed and the room seemed to be spinning like a carousel. I shuffle to Sam's door and in her four poster bed she laid, sleeping like an angel. I look round her room. If you were able to turn green with envy most certainly I would be bright green. Her walk- in wardrobe was open showing off all her designer clothes; clothes that I can only dream of. Her walls were plastered with posters and Sam's trophie shelf was crowded. Not only did she have a Tv, Iphone 7, macbook, computer, gold - colored 3DS XL and all the DS games in history, but she had a swimming pool, jacuzzi and sauna! Man were her parents filthy rich or what? I slid down the banister and arrived on the second floor. I slid down another banister and arrived at the first floor. In the kitchen was Mrs Morganson she appeared to be making an omlete. Sitting at the island I say good morning and she spins round. " Oh, good morning Penny dear. I didn't see you there! " she squeaks. She has mousy brown hair, compared to her daughters mop of tomato coloured hair. After chomping the breakfast I realised that in my rush from the hospital I totally forgot about school. I had no clean clothes or textbooks. Once Sam trudged downstairs I shook her awake (because she looked still asleep) and got her to lend me some clothes. Since we are almost the same size in clothes and shoes, I legit fit into everything she has in her wardrobe. I had a quick shower,the drops pounding me in the back, and tried to wriggle into Sam's tiny bra and underwear. Literally the only difference between us is our hair colour, eye colour and bra size. But let me tell you, putting on a bra four sizes too small is a complete no no. I felt really uncomfortable but still I marveled at her jeans, jeggings, skirts and tops until I decided on a baby pink crop top and a short denim skirt. We strode to the bus stop and arrived at school. For once I got complements on my clothing left, right and center. That was the day I looked first at his raven black hair and dreamy purplish- blue eyes. I knew he would be the one I'd fall in love with.

Authors note :
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. 😅

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