Chapter 6

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Penny's POV

After school the minute I got home I felt sick to my stomach. After retching into the toilet I flopped down on to the sofa and read my favorite book, Maze Runner. After feeling emotional when Alby sacrificed himself I got a tub of cookie dough ice cream and carried on reading. I bawled my eyes out when I reached the part about Gally stabbing Chuck. " No Chuck. No! " I wailed in a state. I dried my eyes and continued eating my ice cream.

A few hours later
I threw my third packet of crisps on the ground groaning as I felt severe cramps. Jaden was round at a friends and Mum at the bar probably drunk. I  opened the box of chocolates that I found in my locker and ate them. On the floor was a sea of wrappers, packets and cans. I'll pick them up later I thought to myself, for the fourth time that day I sprinted to the bathroom. I felt a migraine appearing, I massaged my head then ran a bubble bath. I checked my calendar and noticed that I was meant to have started my period a week and a half ago, maybe it was coming late. I didn't really care cos they put me through hell, the later the better. I suddenly had a craving for pickles and cheese, in my head I tried to snap myself out of it but when there was no more pickles I sank to the ground crying hysterically. I was having off the scales mood swings, kinda normal for me though.

Three days later

I'm two weeks late for my period. I am still throwing up like crazy and I think I've got the flu or I am pregnant. I hop in the shower then run to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test, the woman at the desk gives me a side ways glance and I said: " No it's for my older si- I mean my mum. " that gets me another look. I just pay for it and run out. 50p is cheap for a pack of 7. Once at home I lock the bathroom door and pee on all of the sticks after washing my hands and fiddling with my hair for 5 minutes I check them and each one has a single red line. On the packaging it says it means not pregnant, I was relieved and deposited the evidence in the nice old lady that lived next door to us' trash can. Whoever empties her bins will be suprised.

5 months later
My stomach is swelling and my back aches, I still haven't had my period for five whole months. It must've been something I ate now even my mum notices me. " Well done Penny. You went to swallow a basket ball, either that or you are overweight. " She caught me puking in the toilet a few weeks later and for a split second I swear I saw concern flash through her face. Mum opened up her medicine cabinet and brought out her pregnancy tests. " Pee on the sticks. " she bluntly said lobbing the box at me. I catch it luckily and self consciously pulled down my leggings. After the job was done immediately two red lines appear on all the sticks. I check the box still although the answer is right under my nose. Two red lines mean... Pregnant. Gulping I pass them to my mum then straight up she whacks me round the face. " You little TUCKER! " she yells ( replace the ' T ' with a ' F ' just wanted to be child friendly 😉 ) I step backwards, she goes purple in the face. Her belt is off and first she takes my hands and whips the weapon against them next she thrashes it against my potruding stomach I fell to the ground nursing my belly with my sore hands. The pain. It seared through my insides making me scream in agony. She's relentless putting all her strength into each thrash I shake under her mercy. Finally she stops she's sweating and pink in the face. Calmly she replaces her belt and whispers in my ear " You are a tucking bass that should go to hell. Tlut. " ( change t in tucking to a f, remove the b from bass and change t in tlut to a s ;) )

3 weeks later

" Hello Ms Jeffrey I understand that you are 16 and have come to see the gender of your baby/ babies. " I nod a reply. " So is your mother or the father of your baby / babies going to attend this appointment? " I shake my head not wanting to speak. I lay down on the examination bed and lift up my shirt. I look like I've swallowed 3 basket balls a watermelon and the contents of my fridge. Yes I'm that huge, not exaggerating. When I told my baby daddy he was overjoyed and stuck by me through thick and thin. Same with Sam she squealed and hugged me, loosely cos even then she couldn't get her arms around me, let alone now! I battled morning sickness, cravings and hormones with my boyfriend and my best friend. To be honest I think Jaden liked the idea of being a five year old uncle! Yep, he had his birthday. Anyway back to the appointment. The kind nurse slathered my bump with gel and gasped, on the ultra sound were five little cuties! " Darling, you are having quintuplets! " She hugged me tight then she gasped again when she listened to the heart beats. The nurse looked at me gravelly, my breath caught in my throat. Quietly she said   " I'm sorry for your loss. " I must've looked confused because in a whisper she said " There's only 5 heart beats. " I worked it out in my head mental arithmetic has never been my strong point. Ok so, one is mine obviously take one away from five equals... Four. I understand why she apologized for my loss. I lost one baby... Tears rolled down my cheeks then I started choking on them, all the nurse did was wipe off the gel sit on my bed and hold me close. She didn't smell like strong disinfectant she smelt like flowers, my mother hasn't even held me like that. My heartless, cruel, abusive mother killed my child and her future grandchild with a wicked blow from a belt. I snuggled further into nice nurse's warm chest still sobbing, she smoothed my hair and told me " At least you get to keep the other ones. By the way they are healthy and the genders are.... "

Authors note :

My favorite chapter I think.   :)

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