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Kyra was with Jaime. It was another week. He was sitting up and walking around as much as he could. Kyra knew he had to go back to proper captivity soon. Three guards were outside the tent so Kyra and Jaime could talk freely. On her most recent visit, Kyra turned to go when Jaime suddenly reached out and grabbed her arm. She looked at him with a mix of surprise and confusion.
"Kyra, please help me. I can't go back in there. Please. I can't do it. Kyra help me out. Let me go. Unchain me and help me disappear. Please." Kyra was shocked. She never thought she'd see a vulnerable side to the Kingslayer.
"Jaime," she said hesitantly. "Oh Jaime I can't. I can't defy Robb. I'll get punished for it."
"On first name basis now are we? Kyra you were medic for my fathers army. You're a Lannister soldier, not a Stark soldier. Come back to our side. Robb Stark is a child. He's winning the battles but he's going to lose the war. You're on our side."
"But Jaime, if we go we'll get hunted down and killed."
"I won't let that happen. I'll protect you. Kyra, please. I trust you. It means we can go home." Kyra felt a stab of guilt. Jaime believed she still wanted to work for the Lannisters. "I could even get you back to your father. I'd do anything, give you anything."

Kyra was so confused that she shot up and left. Jaime stood up after her and tried running before the ankle chain yanked him and he hit the ground with a thump. One of the guards, after Kyra had been let out came into the tent and kicked Jaime.
"Shut it Kingslayer. Or you're getting gagged." Jaime sat back up and tucked his knees under his chin. He felt bad. He didn't want to get Kyra involved in his crazy escape plans, but he was desperate. He'd already fallen incredibly ill. If he stayed any longer he'd die.

Three more days and Kyra hadn't come to see him. Instead she was speaking to Robb.
"When was the last time you checked up on Lannister?"
"Four days ago," Kyra said timidly.
"You're meant to go every two days. Why didn't you go? I need to know if Lannister's ready to go back in the cell."
"Give it two more days. But just don't make me go back there. Please Robb. I'm not seeing him again."
"Why, what happened?"
"Doesn't matter. I'm just not going back there again."
"Then who's checking in on him. Look, Kyra, I don't particularly like him and I don't particularly care about him but I have a duty, I have a responsibility. And part of that is keeping Jaime Lannister alive. Only then can I hope to get my sisters back and win this war."
"I'm not doing it."
"What if I have him more heavily guarded when you're there? Or if I'm there myself with Grey Wind? I don't know what happened between the two of you but if there's other people there, would you be OK?" Kyra nodded, feeling more comfortable. "Right come on, let's go." Robb found his direwolf and recruited three more guards before making their way to the tent. The guards already there parted for Robb and Kyra. Jaime was huddled in the back corner. He looked up. He saw Kyra first and got his hopes up but soon saw Robb and the snarling direwolf right behind her. Kyra glanced at Robb who smiled at her reassuringly. She walked over to Jaime and crouched down in front of him. The guards moved closer in case he tried anything.
"Kyra please," Jaime whispered.
"Does your head hurt?" Kyra asked flatly.
"Kyra, listen to me."
"Does your head hurt?"
"Kyra," Jaime pleaded one more time. Kyra stood up and walked to Robb.
"I've told you, I can't do this. He's not co-operating. Take him back to the cell whenever. He's fine."
"OK. Well you heard the medic. Take the Kingslayer back to his cell. Tie him tight. He's to speak to no-one bar his guards and myself. If he asks for anything ignore him. Bring him his usual food. Have four guards whenever you're in his cell. Lannister, you've just made things a whole lot worse." Jaime's chains were undone. Two of the guards had a fierce grip on him and he had another four flanking behind them.

Once Robb was satisfied that Jaime was under heavy enough guard, he went to find Kyra. She was still shaken about whatever happened. He found her by the edge of the camp, sitting beneath a tree. Robb was surprised she had kept to his rules about staying in the camp. Robb had stopped thinking of her a prisoner and more as a part of his ranks. For all that went wrong, she had done very well helping Jaime Lannister. She would do the same for any injured man. He just hoped she wouldn't betray him. Robb sat next to her. She had been crying.
"Kyra, look at me." She did. "You're going to tell me right now what Jaime Lannister said to you."
"It's stupid Robb, really."
"Come on. Tell me." Kyra sighed. She would tell him. She felt more comfortable in Robb's camp than she had ever done with the Lannister's. She had only been signed on because her father was one of Lord Tywin's banner men and her father had volunteered her services. The men made advances towards her and she was treated horribly. Another lie. Well, a twist on the truth. She couldn't tell anyone in this camp the real truth. Not Robb, not Jaime. But she felt more comfortable with Robb than she ever had with the Lannisters. And that comfortable feeling was enough to help her make a decision. She would stay with him.
"He asked me to get him out, to help him escape and disappear. He told me I was a Lannister and I just got really confused. And I lied to him Robb. About my past."
"Are you going to do it? Are you going to help him escape?" Kyra felt like all the air had been knocked out of her.
"What? No! Of course not. Robb, I'm loyal to you." And with that she told him the twisted story of her recruitment into the Lannister forces.
"I won't let any of my men treat you like that. You're safe here I promise you."
"Thank you. I like it here. Well, apart from Jaime that is." A guard found them.
"Your Grace. He's here." Robb nodded.
"Sorry I need to go. We'll speak later." And with that Robb walked away.

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