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Kyra noticed she had been getting a few stares. She thought it was because she was a woman. She didn't know it was actually because of what she was wearing. The grey uniform may be dull in colour but it stood out for a completely different reason. She instantly regretted not finding something to change into before arriving at the gates. So she wasn't completely surprised when soon after, two gold cloaks stopped her.
"Who are you and why are you here?" Honesty was best at this point. Littlefinger could argue her allegiance. To him, she was playing a part. She remained calm.
"My name is Kyra. I'm here to see Ser Jaime Lannister. He is expecting me."
"Jaime Lannister isn't allowed guests. He is otherwise indisposed. And why would he be wanting to see one of Robb Stark's traitorous friends anyway? Take her." The gold cloaks took Kyra straight to the Red Keep. Keep breathing, she told herself. She had people who thought themselves her friends over there.
Tywin had been informed in advance. He, Joffrey, Tyrion, Cersei, Littlefinger and Varys were in the throne room. Kyra eyed Baelish nervously. He was the one that caused everything that transpired in Robb's camp by recruiting her in the first place. Kyra stood before the throne, head held high, where upon sat Joffrey, Tywin to his immediate left.
"Who are you and why has Robb Stark sent you here? Why is it you're asking for my son?" Tywin immediately started demanding answers from the poor girl.
"I can explain, Lord Tywin," Baelish intervened. "This is Kyra whom I recruited and sent out to gain intelligence on Robb Stark's movements."
"So you're Kyra. You're the one who tended to Jaime when he was very ill. Why are you here?" Tywin asked.
"After Ser Jaime had left, a few weeks later, only a few days ago, he rode to the camp and spoke to me. Told me to get to safety. Said he'd bring me back here and help me make myself a good life. I thought I'd report to Lord Baelish in person."
"So it was you..." Tywin mused. He turned to one of the gold cloaks. "Get my son in here. Have a guard around him and her. Restrain him if you have to. This is not the end of his punishment. I merely want answers." Kyra was confused. Why was Lord Tywin talking about his eldest son with so much harshness and contempt?

Jaime was standing on the balcony, watching the bustling King's Landing go about thier normal lives. His bedroom door opened. He frowned. It was unusual at this time. Four guards stood there. One of them cocked his head at Jaime, telling him to come. He got up and walked out the room with two guards in front of him and two behind. He thought they were leading him to his father's chambers but they walked past it and kept going. He frowned. Where were they taking him? But as they got closer to it, he knew. The throne room. The doors were opened and he was led in. His father was there, as expected. Joffrey sat on the throne. Also there were Varys, Littlefinger and his two siblings, both of whom had a look of sympathy on thier faces. They of all people with the exception of Jaime himself knew the outcomes of Tywin's wrath. Then Jaime's eyes settled on the girl kneeling in front of the throne.
"Kyra," Jaime whispered. "It was you I saw at the gates." Jaime moved towards the girl, but a guard blocked his way. Jaime suddenly got angry. "What are you doing? Let me past." The guard didn't budge. "Father," Jaime continued. "Father please." Tywin stood still. Jaime ducked behind the guard swiftly before he could be caught and rushed to the girl. He knelt down beside her and put his hands on her shoulders.
"Are you OK?" He asked her. "Have they hurt you?"
"No. No Jaime I'm fine."
"What is the meaning of this?" He asked all those who were standing around him. Tywin signalled at the guards who dragged Jaime off Kyra and shepherded him to one side. He was directly facing Tyrion and Cersei. There was no way he was getting past the four men who stood in his way. He was seething. "Why is she here? She hasn't done anything," he continued protesting.
"Working for Robb Stark when she had sworn allegiance to House Lannister is  hardly nothing," Cersei remarked. Jaime squinted his eyes. Was she jealous? Was she scared another had stolen the heart of her secret lover?
"She didn't swear allegiance," Jaime said pushing past his four guards. "I'm going to stand right here," he hissed at them. They glanced at Tywin who relented and nodded. They backed off. "She was recruited by him," he pointed at Baelish. "Lying little worm."
"Are you quite finished?" Tywin asked, even more aggravated.
"If it wasn't for Kyra, i wouldn't be here. If it wasn't for her I would be dying, dead, rotting in the ground somewhere. So be lucky she was there. Or I wouldn't be."
"I'm not in the mood to listen to your sob stories Jaime," Tywin said tiredly.
"Then why did you bring me here?"
"Because I need to know the exact nature of your relationship. You clearly care for the girl. Is there something more going on between you?" Jaime looked at Cersei whose gaze was ice cold. It was as if she could see through him and right into his soul. He pulled his eyes away.
"No. There's nothing."
"Are you sure?" Cersei questioned. "That didn't sound very convincing brother."
"I'm positive."
"I can confirm this, my Lord. I show nothing but respect and compassion towards Ser Jaime," said Kyra.
"I'd bet you'd like to though." Cersei wasn't giving up.
"Your Grace?" Asked Kyra, confused.
"Fuck him. Of course you would. He's Jaime Lannister."
"Enough Cersei," Jaime snapped at his sister. "I'm allowed to care about someone."
"Lord Baelish," Tywin ordered. "I will leave your spy to you. Guards, bring Jaime to my chambers. If it alright with you Your Grace," he turned to Joffery. "We will adjourn."
"As you wish, grandfather."
"Jaime, with me." The guards pushed him in the direction of the door. He got one last look at Kyra before he was shoved out.

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