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Thankfully, as Jaime found out from passers by, the Stark's camp hadn't moved on yet so he had an idea of where he was going. To be fair the last time he had made that journey he was chained and unconscious. But when he got lost he asked for directions from the inn he stayed in overnight and eventually he made it to the outskirts of the Stark camp. He hid within the bushes. He could just see in whilst concealing himself. This was dangerous territory. If he was caught he'd be captured and back in that cage. A prisoner of war for however long this war would rage on for.

He waited hours and hours. Guards swapped patrol duty at various intervals. But Jaime had not spotted Kyra yet. Not Kyra or Robb or Catelyn or Sansa. He started to wonder if they were even still there, or if they were in the process of moving camps. It looked like tents were being taken down.

But then Jaime spotted a girl with red hair. Sansa. And walking next to her was Kyra. So she was still here. And it looked like the two girls had become friends. Kyra laughed at something Sansa said. Jaime smiles sadly. She deserved more than anything else to be happy. Kyra was on the side closest to Jaime through the gate and close enough so she could hear him.
"Kyra," he whispered forcefully. She turned, confused. Sansa stopped next to her.
"Are you OK?" Catelyn's daughter asked her companion.
"Yeah. Go ahead. I'll be there in a minute." Sansa moved on.
"Kyra," Jaime whispered again. She whipped round and saw something moving in the bushes. Jaime waited until the guards had turned thier heads before revealing his face. She ran up to the fence. Kyra's eyes widened.
"Jaime, what... What in the seven hells are you doing here?"
"I'm here for you. I need to talk to you. Quickly."
"OK. Give me a minute." Kyra withdrew from the gate. She was so confused. What was Jaime doing here? He looked... Cleaner. Healthier. But he'd come all the way from King's Landing. She needed a way out the camp to talk to him. She made her way through to Robb's tent. He was with his mother.
"Your Grace?" Kyra said. "May I talk to you?"
"I will take my leave," Catelyn said and left the tent.
"How are you Kyra?"
"Robb, there's something I need to help treat the wounded. A plant. A tincture helps clear sinuses so that my patients can breathe easier. And I know you can get it outside the camp. I've seen it in the distance. Do I have leave to collect the plant? I'll come straight back into the camp after. Please Robb. It will only take a few minutes."
"OK. You've won my trust. Don't be long. Tell the guards to let you out." Kyra thanked him, got past the guards at the gate easily and left the camp. She walked a couple of steps before she felt someone grab her arm and pull her into the bushes. She knew who it was so she didn't struggle or fight against him.
"Jaime. You look better. Now tell me. What are you doing here?"
"I'm here for you, to take you back to King's Landing. I can get you a position in the Red Keep. You'll be secure, paid, safe. You'll be given quarters. You can even see your father again, your family. Please Kyra. I want to look out for you."
"I know the truth Kyra. I know you're one of Baelish's spies. But I don't mind. I know you didn't tell him anything after the first night. You stayed loyal to the Starks and to me. Come back with me."
"Jaime you don't understand. I'm sorry you came all the way just to ask me that but what I told Lord Tyrion was true. I want to stay here with Robb. I'm sorry."
"Is there nothing I can say to make you change your mind?"
"Nothing." Jaime was defeated. Kyra was old enough to make her own decisions. It was fair enough. He had offered her the chance any girl in her position could want. To be reunited with her family. She hadn't accepted. There was nothing he could do. Jaime turned round to go. He climbed back up on his horse and galloped away, the guards just clocking on who he was. But it was too late. Jaime was gone.

Kyra entered the camp again and went into her tent. It was only in that moment when the gates were shut and the guards were back on duty that she completely forgot about the plant she was meant to get. She knew right away that this wasn't going to end well. A guard was in her tent five minutes later.
"The King wants to see you." Kyra followed the guard into Robb's tent. He lifted his head from looking at a map and his lips tightened.
"I don't appreciate being lied to. You weren't out getting plants were you? My men saw Jaime Lannister ride away. He was long gone by the time they went after him."
"No, he spoke to me. Asked me to go with him. I refused. I'm loyal Robb. To you."
"Are you though? I thought I could trust you. Clearly I thought wrong. Pack up what you have and get out of the camp. Be gone by nightfall."
"Robb," Kyra whispered, her eyes filling up with tears. "Robb please."
"Get her out of my sight." Robb turned away. He felt betrayed. Kyra was escorted back to her tent. She packed up what she had and was taken to the gate which was slammed shut as soon as she stepped out. She was angry.
Fuck you Jaime.

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