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Tywin Lannister was back in the city. He'd been away conducting negotiations with another of thier opponents who refused to listen unless they spoke to him. But he had more to deal with here. His son, Jaime, had been locked up for roughly a month now. Tywin decided that was enough time for him to learn his lesson. But he had one more to come. And Jaime wouldn't be happy. When his children challenged his authority, he needed to assert it again. And if that meant using harsh means, that was what he would do. Jaime needed to learn. Once he was back in his chambers, he told a guard to bring him his son. The guard made his way to Jaime's room.
"Lord Tywin's asked for Ser Jaime to be brought to his chambers." Jaime's guard nodded. The door was opened and Jaime was told to follow. He did so. He was deposited in his father's chambers. He took the seat being offered by Tywin and the elder Lannister also sat.
"I hope you know now not challenge my authority." Jaime wanted to get back to normal life as quickly as possible. And to do that he had to tell Tywin he was right.
"I know. I'm sorry father. I was unwell. I had been beaten up. I was delusional."
"Good. One more thing. Follow me." Both father and son got up and Tywin led Jaime back to the throne room. Again, Joffrey, Tyrion, Cersei, Varys and Littlefinger were all there. What did Tywin have planned?
"Uncle," Joffrey sneered. "After a long discussion with my grandfather the Hand of the King, we have decided it is within the Crown and your best interests to have you removed from the Kingsguard." Jaime was shocked. But also not surprised. Tywin had been vying to have his son out of the Kingsguard and heir to Casterly Rock for years.
"May I ask why this is happening?" Jaime continued.
"My grandfather seems concerned that the long imprisonment you endured under Robb Stark has altered your mind and you are no longer as solid as you once were."
"I can assure you I'm fine Your Grace."
"I cannot have people serving me who would not be up to the job."
"And what about the Kingsguard oaths? A man sworn to the Kingsguard serves for life. Always has been that way, always will be."
"I still dismissed Ser Barristan Selmy."
"A foolish mistake." Jaime realised as soon as he said it. He would usually try and keep himself restrained around the quick-tempered King, but being another quick-tempered man, sometimes this proved hard to do.
"I don't care how high born you are Ser, but do you dare to question your King?"
"My apologies Your Grace. I meant no offence." Joffrey sunk back into the throne. He looked at Jaime sullenly.
"Upon your exit, Ser Meryn Trant will take over as Acting Lord Commander until we appoint a new knight and make our final decision. Lord Tywin has informed me that you will be returning to Casterly Rock to rule as the heir to Warden of the West. He says you will depart in four days' time."
"There must always be seven Kingsguard. Would it not be wiser that I stay as a member of the Kingsguard until a replacement is found? The bond cannot be broken." Joffrey wore an expression of, for once, uncertainty. He looked to Tywin. Tywin looked from Joffrey to Jaime.
"What do you think Grandfather?"
"I think what Jaime is saying speaks sense. It gives all of us time to adjust to the changes and Jaime to prepare. We will find a new Kingsguard member within the month. Ser Meryn will immediately take up his new post. He will move into the Lord Commander's quarters. That will be all unless anyone else has any business to attend to." No-one did so the hall started to file out. Jaime got some sympathetic looks which he didn't pay any attention to. Joffrey swept from the room, his Kingsguard in tow. Jaime would be one of them if it were not for the fact that he had just been dismissed. His father knew his way round the young king's mind. Soon all who was left in the throne room was Jaime, Tywin, Tyrion and Cersei. Cersei looked panicked. She knew what Jaime returning to Casterly Rock meant. It meant that she would no longer have her beloved brother in the capital. She hadn't been able to spend any time with him since he returned what with his recovery and confinement, and him leaving meant they'd have no time. Tyrion was also worried. Being without his brother meant he had no family or nobody in general who would laugh and chat with him and that he could trust beyond all. Having no Jaime meant he would be stuck with Tywin and Cersei who ignored and slighted him at every turn.
Tywin, on the other hand, was delighted that the chance to have Jaime formally removed from the Kingsguard and be in full loyalty to his family could finally happen. Aerys had only chosen Jaime as one of his Kingsguard to spite Tywin and rob him of his heir whom he had previously fallen out with so Jaime could be used as a potential hostage if it came to it. Tywin had been so furious with his son's appointment that he had resigned as Aerys' Hand and returned to Casterly Rock. During Robert's Rebellion he'd sacked King's Landing fearing for Jaime's safety but his son had already killed the King he was sworn to protect. Here, Tywin was the winner. He had his family where he first wanted them, once he secured a marriage for his daughter. House Lannister reigned.

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