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Standing in Robb's tent, a guard behind him, was Tyrion Lannister.
"Thank you for accepting my invitation." Robb said.
"Like I told you, I get to spend a night with my brother and I get to see that he's OK and we can begin negotiations."
"Yes. Can you show Tyrion to his brother's cell? Lock them in for the night." The guard nodded. Tyrion went willingly. Cersei was refusing to Robb whatsoever. The only way she would even agree to open his letter is if someone went and saw Jaime in person. Tyrion had volunteered right away. He hadn't seen his brother in months.

Jaime saw men walking towards him. And at the front of the group, his younger brother. Jaime breathed quickly, a smile forming on his face, unusual. He must have been dreaming. There was no way Tyrion would be in the middle of a Stark camp.
"Ty... Tyrion..." Jaime whispered. He couldn't pinch himself. He was dreaming. Trust his dreams to spite him like this. The cell door was unlocked. Tyrion walked into the cell and the door was shut behind him. He took a good look at his older brother and breathed deeply. Jaime looked worse than he had ever had before.
"Tyrion if that's you, come here and pinch me. I need to know I'm awake." And his brother did just that. Jaime felt a burst of pain and he knew it was real. "Tyrion, come here and hug me. I can't return it. Come sit beside me. And what in the seven hells are you doing here?"
"Jaime I don't know what to say. How are you? No, sorry, stupid question." Tyrion observed the massive bags under Jaime's eyes, the weight loss, the general tiredness, the red raw skin from the metal rubbing against him. His heart sunk. He knew Jaime wasn't going to be in the best state but how he found his brother shocked him to the core. Tyrion sat beside his brother, looking at him anxiously.
"I'm OK, really. I was ill for a while and it took me a while to recover but I'm here now. I'm alive."
"Ill? How ill Jaime?"
"I think I was nearly dead. That's what they told me anyway."
"They're not getting away with it. Once father hears. And you know what Cersei's like."
"How are they?"
"They're fine. Fathers made of titanium, you know that. Cersei is Cersei. They need you back."
"Then there's my last question. Why are you here? There's no way they'd let you see me without a good reason. I'm surprised they let you see me at all. I'm meant to be in solitary confinement or something. I'm always alone unless it's the guards, Robb Stark or... Kyra." Jaime's voice faded away at the end. Tyrion wondered who this Kyra was. Was it a new girl who had stolen his brothers heart where there had only been one before?
"Who's Kyra?"
"Lannister turned Stark medic. I asked her to get me out but she didn't want to betray the Stark boy because she'd get punished and now I feel bad." So not a new love interest then. Tyrion was slightly disappointed. The guards unlocked the door. A bowl of oats was put in front of Jaime and Tyrion was given bread and cheese, a much better meal. One guard unchained Jaime's hands. Tyrion saw the raw skin and bruises around his wrists. That didn't look healthy at all. Three guards stood around Jaime as he swallowed the oats with difficulty. Tyrion looked on as his brother struggled. He hated this. When Jaime was finished, his hands were pulled roughly behind his back and pinned tightly to the post. The guards left and locked the brothers back in. Tyrion ate half his meal and told Jaime to eat the rest.
"Right now you need it more than I do." Jaime shook his head. "Jaime, you will." Jaime nodded and Tyrion had to feed his brother as Jaime was incapacitated.
"How do you deal with this?" Tyrion asked his brother.
"It's not like I really have a choice in the matter is it? Tyrion, I need out. I need to go. Can you help me?" Tyrion sighed. Jaime was not often so defeatist. Tyrion was stuck on what to say. He loved his brother more than anyone in his life. Jaime was the only person to ever show him kindness. And now his brother was asking him for a favour, one that was long overdue, and Tyrion could do nothing.
"How can I? Look at you. You're chained up, constantly surrounded by guards, the camp is secure, the Starks are careful. I'm making a deal with Stark. An exchange of hostages. There'll be a central location. We'll bring Sansa, Robb will bring you and we'll swap. That's the plan anyway. Who knows if it will work? I also need to tell Stark we don't have his other sister. Littlefinger told Catelyn Stark we still had her. We don't." Jaime grimaced. It was going from bad to worse. There was no way he was getting swapped for Sansa alone. "Hold tight brother. This will all be over soon."
"Tyrion, it's so good to see you. You have no idea how much I've missed you."
"Likewise." The brothers sat in silence for a while. Then Jaime started to groan and wriggle. Tyrion looked up in panic.
"Jaime? Are you OK?" Jaime was in pain.
"These manacles are tighter than usual. It's digging into my skin. It hurts."
"Guard! Guard!" Tyrion shouted.
"What, Lannister?"
"Loosen my brother's manacles. He's really hurting." Jaime grimaced. The guard glared at both of them.
"Need the Kings permission."
"Then get the King. Tell him I'm not agreeing to anything if he's in pain. Remind him what I agree to depends on Jaime." The guard nodded reluctantly and soon Robb was there. He saw Jaime in pain. The door was unlocked, as were Jaime's manacles. Tyrion saw his brother rub his wrists.
"Put the manacles back on but not so tight." The guards did as Robb asked and the brothers were left alone.
"I can't Tyrion, I can't."
"Not long now Jaime. Hold on. Just hold on."

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