1- Away

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"That's what friends do!"

Those words rang in my ears every night. Words spoken by none other than the purple-haired guitar player I had grown to love over the past year. Words spoken about me. Words sending me straight to the inescapable pit called the friendzone.

I tossed and turned that night, just a week after returning from camp. The night was warm and my room was stuffy. All my blankets were either on the floor or dangling off the bed. I couldn't sleep.

I sat up and sighed.

"Great job, Bon," I mumbled to myself, "over all things, you can't sleep, you can barley even function, because of a guy."

I got up and walked to my dresser and looked in front of the mirror. Staring back at me was a pathetic loser. I looked at an open drawer, where a round pair of broken glasses reflected the moonlight.

"Should I?.." I asked myself.

I shook my head, telling myself it was ridiculous, but then decided otherwise.

"Well, nobody is awake anyways.."

I carefully picked up the glasses and put them on, now looking in the mirror, I saw the face of someone perfect. Someone I loved. Someone who I just wanted to be with forever. Someone..

I shook my head again and took off the glasses. Tears began to form at the edges of my eyes.

"Stupid, stupid.." I muttered as I wiped my eyes.

I sighed.

"It would have never have worked out anyways, my dad.. My band.. They won't accept us! Well.. Maybe Joy will.. But Meg wouldn't! And my dad would freak! Not to mention if the Nightmares find out..."

I shuddered. Just thinking about if the Nightmares found out about us.. It wouldn't be good.

I turned and looked out the window. Bonnie was probably sleeping right now, not even thinking about me, and here I was obsessing over him.

I looked at the street below. How great it would be to just run away from all my problems and never look back. How easy that would be.

A small voice spoke in the back of my mind.

"Well, what's stopping you?" It said.

I looked up. Nothing. Nothing was stopping me. I could just leave right now.

And so that's what I decided to do.

I filled my backpack with all the clothes, and all the food it could fit. I grabbed my guitar too.

I quietly opened the door to my room and snuck downstairs. My dad was sprawled out snoring on the couch. I tiptoed to the front door, catching a glimpse of the time. 1:48 am.

When I had made it out, I looked around. Nothing. The street was dead quiet. Only the dim glow of the streetlights were thee to brighter the way.

I sighed, looked back, and looked forwards again.

I almost considered going back, almost.

But, with the pack on my back and my guitar in hand, I had never felt more alive, I knew this is what I had to do.

And so I ran into the night.

A Song To RememberWhere stories live. Discover now