3. Explaining

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Bonnie clutched onto me, his face buried in my shirt. I patted his hair.

"Bonnie... why didn't you tell me before?"

He looked up and gulped.

"Honestly? I was just scared you'd leave. You're the only one who has stuck around me for this long. Don't get me wrong, my band is great but I only feel a special connection with you."

I blushed. So he was afraid of losing me?

"But... I was afraid of loosing you." I whispered, hoping it would only reach his ears and then get lost into the night.

He let out a small laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

He looked up at me, wiping his tears away from his face.

"It's just, we were both afraid of the same thing, even though there was nothing to be worried about."

I smiled. "Yeah, I guess that is kind of funny."

His face saddened for a moment. "So, are you still running away?" He asked softly.

My face darkened. "Yes." I replied, "My dad, Meg, they wouldn't accept us. They barely accept me already."

Bonnie looked lost in thought for a moment. His face scrunched up, as if he was arguing with himself.

Finally, he looked up at me.

"I'm coming with you." He stated.

I stepped back.

"N-no Bonnie, I can't ask you to do that." I stammered.

"You never asked," he said slyly, "I'm the one who brought it up."

"Still," I answered, "You have a good life here. You can't just leave it all behind. You don't even have anything you need to run away."

A mischievous look crossed his face. "That's where you're wrong."

Before I even had time to react Bonnie went over to his guitar and put it back in its case. Then he walked over to me.

"I have everything I need right here." He beamed, "My guitar. And you."

I couldn't help but blush. "Bonnie," I began to protest. But he just kissed me once again and started walking down the hill.

"You coming?" He giggled after I didn't move.

I blushed again. "Y-yeah" I mumbled, not believing that this was happening.

He just smiled at me. I shook my head and smiled back.

"Let's do this."

A Song To RememberWhere stories live. Discover now