4. The Plan

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Bonnie and I walked, hand in hand, down the hill to get my stuff.

Letting go of his hand, I got my stuff, slung the backpack over my shoulders and grabbed my guitar case

"Alright, so where are we going?" He asked once I was ready.

I gulped. I hadn't thought that far ahead yet.

"Well..." I began, "I was just going to run as far away as I could."

Bonnie nodded and made a "hm" sound.

"Well, we're going to need a better plan than that huh?"

He smiled at me after saying that. A mischievous smile. One that gave his eyes a devious gleam.

"Bonnie, whatever you're thinking. It better not be anything illegal. I have no idea how to drive a car."

He just kept on smiling. "No, I wasn't thinking about that, although that is a good backup plan. No, I was thinking we make a stop at my house and then get on the first bus out of town this morning."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Phew, well, as long as it's safe."

Bonnie nodded. "It is! And I have some money saved up for bus fare, we just have to go get it!"

I smiled. Bonnie was so smart. He had come up with a great plan while i had none.

He grabbed my hand again and began pulling me towards the street. "Come on, it's this way!"

Smiling, I began to follow him. We walked through the maze that was the neighborhood streets and somehow made it to a light beige house with a small porch and a tree fort.

"Wow" i gasped, "This is your house?"

Bonnie smiled. "Yep!"

A pang of something hit my chest.  Jealousy maybe? or maybe it was guilt. How could I be pulling Bonnie away from a home that actually loved him? A place that would miss him?

Also, why would he want to leave? I shook my head. He must have a good reason, i just had to  trust him.

He climbed up to the tree fort. i began to follow, but he motioned for me to stop. i did.

"Stay there" he whispered. "This tree house is really old"

he disappeared from view and i heard the sight creak of a window opening. i held my breath. What if his parents woke up? what if he was caught?! what if one of the neighbors saw us and called the police on us?!?

i began to panic, my breath was coming in short gasps and i wanted to hide.

i waited a minute. Bonnie didn't come out. my worry grew. i thought about calling out to him, but what if he was caught?

after another minute i saw his purple hair leaning out of the window. i sighed in relief. he was out.

He got into the tree fort and began to climb down the rickety ladder. one of the footholds snapped when he stepped on it, and he was still halfway up.

"Bon!" he yelped quietly. i rushed over to the base of the tree and held out my arms.

"Jump down! I'll catch you!" I whisper-yelled.

He looked hesitant for a moment, i gave him a pleading look. he let go.

I expected him to land in my arms all romantically, but instead we both collapsed and landed on the grass with a thud.

"Owww" i groaned.

Bonnie got up quickly and began pulling me away. "Shh! Quiet!" he whispered as he led me to some bushes.

I couldn't focus, but did what he said. i shut my mouth.

he was peeking out from behind the bushes. i rubbed my head and looked at what he was looking at.

My eyes went wide. the lights in his house were on.

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