6. The City

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Waking up, I forgot that what had happened last night wasn't a dream. But when I was awoken by Bonnie with a gentle shake I was reminded that it was very much real.

the sun was just rising and people were in a line to get off the bus.

"We're here Bon!" Bonnie exclaimed as I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

"Huh?" I wondered. "What do you- woah."

I blinked hard as I looked out the window. We were in the heart of a city, a city that I didn't recognize.

Bonnie grabbed my hand and pulled me up, he had somehow gotten to the walkway in the bus.

"Come On, sleepy head! We don't have all morning!"

I shook my head to snap out of it. "Yeah- yeah. Heh."

"Did I really do this?" I thought. "Did I really get Bonnie- my crush for the past year- to run away with me?"

Bonnie got off the bus after saying thank you to the driver. Once we were outside I smelled the sea air.

It took me a moment to take it all in. It was so unfamiliar. Big buildings were all around us, and yet there was the smell of something natural, and something tasty.

"Where should we go first?" Bonnie asked as he grabbed my hand.

Snapping out of it, I looked at him. "Did we actually do this??" I questioned half excitedly and half worriedly.

He nodded and gave me a big smile. "Yeah!"

I smiled back, but there was still a lingering fear that I had done something stupid in the back of my mind. I pushed it aside for the time being as Bonnie pulled me towards a hot dog cart.

We stopped a few feet away from the cart and Bonnie pulled out his wallet from his back pocket. He counted his money.

"Hm." He said, "I only have 20 dollars. That won't be enough for a few days. Did you bring any money?"

I tried to remember if I had actually remembered to grab my wallet. I didn't remember putting it in my backpack.

"Uh..." I began.

Bonnie giggled. "Well, I'm going to take that as a no."

My face flushed with embarrassment. "Sorry." I stammered. "I was in a rush and-"

He stopped me. "Hey it's alright." He smiled. "It's a good thing we brought our guitars then!"

I wondered what that could mean. Bonnie didn't bother to explain because he was already at the cart ordering two hot dogs and a can of soda.

"Wait shouldn't we save our money?" I asked after he returned and handed me a dog.

He took a bite of his. "Hm.. well if we have our guitars we should be able to make some quick cash by the beach, this is a popular tourist spot after all."

It finally clicked.

"Wait So we're going to be street performers?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yep! I hope you memorized that song I was singing!"

I nodded. Of course I had memorized it.

"Great!" He exclaimed.

My stomach grumbled. I finally took notice of the hot dog in my hand and took a bite.

Bonnie began to walk down the sidewalk. I followed.

Something I noticed while I was walking and eating my hot dog is that there were no teenagers on the street. We passed an elementary school, and I saw little kids playing out in the yard and some being dropped off.

Oh yeah. Normal teenagers had school.

My stomach sank as I remembered school. I wondered how Joy would react when she found out I left. Would she cry? She was my best friend after all. How would Bonnie's band react? The talent show was coming up and his band just lost the greatest guitar player in that school.

I was so deep in thought that I almost walked into the street.

"Bon! Watch out!" Bonnie called out as he yanked me back by my hood.

"Wha-? Ahh!" I screamed as I nearly tripped and dropped my hot dog.

It landed in the street. A car honked and another one ran it over.

"My hotdog!" I cried out.

Bonnie pulled me back into the sidewalk.

"Bon!" He yelled. "What were you doing?!"

Worry and fear was the only emotion on his face when I turned to look at him.

"Sorry!" I said sheepishly. "I was just thinking, that's all."

He shook his head and pushed his glasses up his nose. "You gotta be more careful!" He exclaimed as he hugged me, not fully wrapping his arms around me because he still had his food.

I blushed. "S-Sorry. I'll be more careful." I muttered out.

The crosswalk turned green, signaling us to cross. Bonnie stayed close to my side as we crossed and the sea smell got stronger.

I looked out at it. One word escaped my mouth.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2018 ⏰

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