First Heartbreak

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Five months into their relationship, two months after it became a habit for Leon to have dinner at Cloud's place with the blond's mother every other weekend, Cloud experienced another first, though this one was nothing but trouble.

It wasn't anything Cloud had expected to live through so soon, especially not the day after having dinner with Leon's family, where the brunet's mother and sister had fussed over him endlessly, asking him left and right if Leon was treating him right.

They hadn't had anything planned that day, and Leon suddenly asked Cloud if he wanted to borrow a new music album he'd just bought. Cloud agreed, but neither of them was expecting to see Leon's whole family. Maybe just his mother, who was almost always at home, but just as luck would have it, they all chose that day to be home. Cloud was accosted into the living room and fussed over the moment they stepped foot into the house.

Sometimes, Cloud thought that both he and Leon had already forgotten why they were dating in the first place.

Leon didn't seem miffed to introduce him to his family, at least.

So he wasn't expecting to round a corner in school the next day and stumble onto Rinoa tiptoeing to whisper into Leon's ears and Leon listening attentively. When she lost her precious balance, his arm shot out to steady her, grabbing her by her waist in a gesture that seemed way too familiar.

What struck Cloud wasn't jealousy. He'd felt that too many times to count whenever he saw Zack smiling at Aeris, though that feeling had, in the recent months, ebbed away until contentment settled in and took its place.

This was, instead, Cloud's first experience with heartbreak.

It was a strange feeling, like something had gone missing inside him, and the emptiness was... uncomfortable. The pain that accompanied it felt oddly internal, but if something had gone missing inside him, then what was left to feel the pain? Yet he couldn't ignore the sharp stab.

Walking away from the scene listlessly, Leon and Rinoa still oblivious to his troubled steps, he bullied his aching heart to remember the reason why he was with Leon in the first place. Their relationship had started as a farce, a façade, and that was what it still was. Certainly, what he felt couldn't be real. What he had with Leon now was a habit: a habit of acting like a dating couple and all the things that came with that relationship.

Habit was also the thing that brought his feet to Zack's door, asking if he had a minute to talk. But that was a formality more than anything, for Zack always had a minute for whatever ailed Cloud.

"I feel like crying," he said simply and without hesitation, but his eyes remained dry.

Zack pushed him down onto a chair and ruffled his hair, the way he always did. "Is there someone I should beat up?"

"Maybe. I'll tell you later, when I'm sure of it."

Unbeknownst to Cloud, when he was taking a nap in his friend's room, Zack quietly picked up his cell phone and dialed Leon's number. Though his intentions were good, his phone call alerted Leon to the fact that, even after five months, Cloud still ran to Zack the moment something upset him.

That day, after Cloud experienced his first heartbreak, Leon experienced his first in a very long time.

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