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Honey was sitting in the computer room, and all was silent except for the buzz of computers. Alf had left the room a few hours ago, and Venus and Plastique wouldn't be here for a little while longer. That gave Honey a chance to program with his C64 in peace for a little while. Or so he thought. Alf suddenly came running back into the room, making all sorts of noise and generally distracting Honey from his programming work.

"Hey Alf," Honey said.

"Wow Honey, you'll never believe what happened to me today!" Alf grinned as he sat down beside him.

"Hmm? What?" Honey said.

"I was in the Hannover Mall today, and I got talking to these people who are in the Olympic committee for Germany, and we got talking about the upcoming 2014 Winter Olympics at Sochi! They were talking to me about this new sport... Bobsled Racing! It's the same as the bobsled event only it's an actual race! All the sleds are on the snow at the same time! Pretty exciting, huh?"

"Mmmmm," Honey, disinterested, didn't look away from the screen. But Alf could never take the hint, and continued talking about the Olympics. Honey couldn't think of anything that bored him more.

"But then they told me that Germany wouldn't have a team in that event, Because they need four people to operate the sled, and there was no one in Germany who would do it!"

"Oh dear," Honey said sarcastically, still not looking up from his computer, "What a shame."

"Exactly, but don't worry," Alf said, "Because then I said, wow, that's a lucky coincidence, there's four of us in Welle: Erdball!"

Honey stopped typing. What an odd thing to say to someone.

"And why did you say that?"

"Well, uh..."

Uh oh. Honey knew that tone. That meant Alf had gone and done something amazingly silly yet again.

"Alf, what have you done," Honey demanded.

"Well,, I kind of offered that we would be the bobsled racing team in Sochi..." Alf grinned.

"You did WHAT?!"

"Yup, we're going to Sochi and racing for Germany!"

Honey stared in shock, but then laughed uneasily. Surely that must be a joke, right? There was no way Alf would have done that, right? And even if he had, there was no way that Team Germany would allow Welle: Erdball to represent them despite having no experience whatsoever, right? No, Honey decided that it had to be a joke, and that Alf's little joke had now run it's course.

"Oh hahaha, good one Alf, you really got me there! Ha ha ha..."

"No Honey, I'm serious!" Alf said, a little upset that Honey thought he was joking, but Honey still didn't believe him.

"Stop it Alf, it's not funny anymore," Honey said.

"It was never funny," Alf said, "It's serious."

Honey switched off the computer. This was going to be a long day for sure.


When Venus and Plastique finally arrived, Honey went and asked them what they thought about the situation.

"Oh yes, we already know!" Venus smiled, "And Alf isn't joking! Why would you think that? We're already signed up to the German Olympic team! We're really going to Sochi next February! I think it's a great idea, isn't it Honey?"

"No!" Honey yelled, "Have you all gone nuts? This is the worst idea I've ever heard!"

"Aw, don't worry Honey," Plastique laughed, "I'm sure it'll go great!"

Honey still refused to believe it, hoping this was all a really elaborate joke. Because if it wasn't, it would possibly be the worst thing they had ever done as Welle: Erdball. Alf had suggested silly things in the past, but never anything like this. But Alf spoke about Sochi in a way that he had never talked about anything else before, and Honey was getting more and more worried that Alf was actually serious with this. That Alf really wanted to go to Sochi, and he was dragging the rest of Welle: Erdball with him.

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