Chapter 2

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And when the German media outlets all reported on Welle: Erdball going to Sochi, he had to concede that Alf was in fact, serious. Not that it meant he hated the idea any less.

"Oh, did you hear that Welle: Erdball are going to be part of Team Germany at Sochi?" one news reporter said to the other, trying not to laugh.

"I have now!" the other news reporter laughed loudy as a montage of W:E clips played on the screen beside the logo of the Sochi 2014 games. Honey cursed these blasted Winter Olympics, and cursed Alf for bringing this ridiculousness to him.


Despite Honey's attempts to get Alf to back down from this, it was clear that Alf was very determined to make Welle: Erdball a part of Team Germany.

"Why?!" Honey yelled, "This is ridiculous! Why would you do this?!"

"Well, so many things. You're sat at that Commodore day in, day out. It's time to step out, away from the keyboard, and see the outside world, you know!"

Honey could only role his eyes at this, not that Alf could see them behind the sunglasses.

"We make electronic music!" Honey yelled, "Of course we're sat at computers! Seriously Alf, how can you be this dense?! You can't bloody do this!"

"Well, I can, and I have."

"No, you can't do this Alf," Honey said, "You absolutely can't. And you can't make me go to Sochi with you. I'm not going."

"Why not Honey?" Alf said, "It'll be great, you'll see!"

"First of all, no one here has any experience with bob racing or whatever it was called, secondly, this idea is completely ludicrous, and thirdly, we're going to be the laughing stock of this whole country!"

"Aw, come on Honey, no one will be laughing at us! They'll be proud of us! We're part of Team Germany, after all!"

"No! We are not part of Team Germany! I am not going to Sochi and you can't force me!"

"May I remind you who the organiser of Welle: Erdball is?" Alf pointed to himself, "Who runs this whole thing? Me, of course. So yes, you're coming with us Honey, whether you like it or not."

"Well, no I'm not," Honey said, and walked out of the room.

"Well, you're wrong," Alf grinned to himself.


It was a few days later, and Honey was still very much ignoring the whole issue. Yes, maybe if he ignored it, then it would all just go away and be forgotten about.

It was at that moment when Plastique walked into the room. But instead of wearing the dark clothes typical of Welle: Erdball, she was wearing a gaudy, brightly coloured costume. Several layers of kitsch and rainbow colours that made Honey laugh at loud.

"Oh good heavens," Honey laughed, "Plastique, what on earth are you wearing?!"

"Oh, this!" Plastique grinned, twirling to show off the rainbow outfit, "This is the official German costume for the 2014 Winter Olympics! Cool, huh? We'll all be wearing these when we get to Sochi!"


Honey stopped laughing.

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