Chapter 5

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Today was finally the day. The opening ceremony of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games. Honey had hoped they would just be watching it on the TV, but no, Alf just had to drag them all the way to Sochi. To participate in something they had absolutely no prior experience in, and, to most likely, come last, making a complete embarassment of both themselves and their country. And so, here they were. Welle: Erdball. Standing there, in that tunnel, waiting for the people who would tell them to walk out into the arena and join the parade of nations. Honey was still complaining about the whole event.

"These games are a bloody joke! And just look at this costume! This is completely ruining our image!" Honey complained, looking down at the rainbow outfit that he was wearing.

"Oh calm down Honey," Plastique laughed, "You're making this into a bigger deal than it has to be."

Suddenly, the organisers of the event walked in to tell all of the Germans to get ready. It was time.

Cheering erupted from the crowd as the Germans walked out of the tunnel. A sea of rainbow colours and German flags. And there, amongst the other German competitors, were Welle: Erdball, Honey trying his best to hide behind the others, so that he couldn't be seen, horrified that his groups dark gothic image was now falling apart. Alf just laughed at Honey's obvious embarrassment.

"Bloody hell, I can feel all the cameras zooming in on us," Honey said, "This is so embarrassing!"

"Oh come on Honey, don't be such a drama queen!," There's hundreds of other Germans here, all wearing the same! I bet no ones even looking at us!"

But suddenly, they heard a voice coming from high above the stands.

"And if you look there, yes, right there," the voice of the Olympic commentator blasted out from the surrounding loudspeakers, "That is the German electronic group Welle: Erdball."

"Welle: Erdball, Welle: Erdball!" They heard chanting from a group of people in the crowd, as Honey turned and saw people holding up flags with the W:E logo on them.

"Are you sure no ones looking at us?!" Honey yelled.

"Honey, they're our fans!" Venus grinned, "They're not laughing at us! I'm sure they'd all still love us even if we all walked out dressed up as chickens."

"Oh, don't give Alf any ideas please, Venus," Honey said, still trying to hide behind the others, "He'll think that's a good idea, and we'll be in chicken costumes next."

"Yup," Alf said, "There's always the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio!"

"No," Honey said, "No there's not Alf. We'll be watching that one on TV. So shut up."

Alf just laughed at that, as the Georgian team began to walk on behind them.


This year, things were being ran slightly differently in regards to the opening and closing ceremony. All of the competitors were going to sit in the audience so that they could watch the rest of the opening ceremony. Which meant that, after the Germans had finished their part in the parade, Welle: Erdball sat in the crowd, watching the rest of the opening ceremony from a distance. Various scenes from Russian life and culture were played out in creative forms. A Tchaikovsky soundtrack began to play as the sky lit up with fireworks. Even Honey had to admit that it looked pretty good when all those fireworks were set off, and even better when the Olympic flame was lit. It was beautiful, in fact. Maybe these games wouldn't be so bad after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2014 ⏰

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