Chapter 4

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And so, they arrived at the nearby studio, where Sonnenbrandt were. Alf was busy explaining the situation to the band. It was definitely suspicious, Alf didn't remember giving the tickets to anyone, in fact, he was sure that he had left them right on that table in the computer room. But, if Honey said they were somewhere else, then they must have been.

"So, Honey says I gave the Sochi 2014 tickets to you," Alf finished, "Do you have them?"

"Huh... no, we don't have them," said Frau Sonne, "Why would we? You never gave us any tickets. We didn't even know you had the tickets to early."

"Are you sure?" Honey said, even though he knew they didn't.

"Ya see Honey," Alf said, "I told you I didn't remember giving the tickets to Sonnenbrandt!"

"But... but, Alf, is it possible you maybe gave them to Herzinfarkt to look after?" Honey said, "Perhaps Die Perlen? Oh yes, I remember now..."

"Possibly..." Alf shrugged, "But I don't remember giving the tickets to anyone... only you seem to remember this happening..."

"Yeah," Plastique said, "I don't remember this either."

"Hmmm," Herr Brandt grinned, "Or maybe someone just doesn't want to go to Sochi after all."

Oops. And they all turned to look at Honey, who shifted uneasily as he realised he had been caught.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about..." Honey said.

"Honey, turn out your pockets," Alf said, annoyed.

"Heh, well there's no need to-" Honey tried to get out of it, but he had to face facts. His plan had well and truly failed. Honey regretted putting the tickets into his pocket rather than hiding them somewhere else.

"NOW," Alf yelled, as Honey brought the tickets out of his pocket.

"S-sorry," Honey said, handing the tickets back to Alf.

Sonnenbrandt just laughed.

"Oh, how embarrasing!" Korg chuckled.

"Yes, how embarrasing indeed!" Alf glared at Honey, "I am so sorry Sonnenbrandt."

"Oh, it's no problem! Good luck at Sochi you guys!" Herr Brandt laughed as Welle: Erdball walked away.


"Do you have no shame?" Alf yelled as the four of them walked back into their studio.

"Do you?" Honey yelled, "How can you not see that this Sochi idea is terrible?"

Alf ignored him and continued ranting.

"Don't you see how embarrassing that was? You made a complete embarrassment of all of us in front of Sonnenbrandt," Alf said, before adding, "And you lied to me about the tickets! How could you lie about something that you knew was so impotant to me?"

"I... didn't mean to lie to you," Honey said, that was truly the only part he regretted, "How can I make it up to you?"

Alf grinned.

"By coming to Sochi with us," he replied.

"Anything but that," Honey rolled his eyes. He was getting more and more annoyed with this by the second. But Alf wouldn't take no for an answer. And sometimes, it was easier to just give in, no matter how much ridicule you got.


In the build up to the Olympics, the coverage regarding Welle: Erdball was getting more and more intense. Honey was annoyed that more time was spent talking about their Olympic team than on more important news. Not to mention that Russia had recently introducted new oppressive laws against the Russian LGBT community and the news about this was getting overtaken by coverage of Alf's ridiculous plan to enter the Olympics. Well, at least the German rainbow costume was a statement against it.

"It's always been my dream to enter the Olympics!" Alf grinned as he walked into the room one day, wearing the full Team Germany outfit.

"No it bloody well hasn't," Honey snapped, "You've never even mentioned the Olympics to me before all this!"

That was true. Why this? Why now? Was Alf having some sort of crisis? Either way, Honey knew all of them would definitely be having a crisis once they actually had to ride the bobsled, something which none of them had any idea how to do.

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