Chapter 3

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Honey avoided Alf the next day. Sitting there, alone on the computer, in the dark room, away from the other members of Welle: Erdball, the others who clearly wanted to force him to go to Sochi with them. Honey was looking up information about the Winter Olympics on the internet. He didn't want to, but he couldn't help it. It was everywhere. All of the German messageboards, and indeed, even the messageboards elsewhere in the world, were dominated by one thing. Them. It was big news that Alf had signed them up for the upcoming Winter Games, and that meant, that, like everything else, it was all over the internet. Reading the comments was terrible but he just couldn't stop himself. He had to know what people thought about all of this. Some wished them luck, some were confused, but the ones annoying him most of all were the ones making fun of them.

'lol did you hear welle: erdball are gonna be in the sochi olympics looooooool they're doin bobsled or somethin', seriously this is so ridiculous'

'Pfftt... Welle: Erdball are in the German Winter Olympic team, Sochi 2014 is a total joke'

'hey, I am from america and who are these welly football people? I've never heard of them, TOP LEL'

'omg @ imagining welle erdball in the rainbow olympic clothes hahahaaaaa'

'Germany cannot into bobsled'

'Cant wait for the welle erdball bobsled racing i bet theylll come last lollollllolol'

Normally Honey wouldn't let himself be annoyed by people with such atrocious spelling and grammar, but this was different. But if he couldn't take this seriously, how could he expect that other people would? Honey sighed as he switched off the monitor and the messages finally disappeared. This was all Alf's fault.


When Honey walked out of that room, away from the computer and the messages, he thought he had left the world of the Winter Olympics far behind. But no, he had to put up with Alf talking to him all day about Sochi. Alf was constantly talking about how their Sochi tickets had arrived in the mail. It was well known that Welle: Erdball didn't travel by plane, so it was going to be a long journey to Russia.

No. Not if he didn't go. He couldn't go, he didn't want to. It was totally unfair that Alf was forcing them all to go to Sochi. It was then that Honey decided to hide the tickets to Sochi that Alf had carelessly left on the table. He put them in the pocket of his coat, and decided to pretend they had gone missing.

"Honey," Alf asked the next day, "You don't know where the Sochi tickets are, do you? It's just that I can't find them anywhere. I'm sure they were there on the table, but I can't find them now."

Honey made up a story on the spot. Alf had been talking to Sonnenbrandt about the Winter Olympics earlier, so Honey made up a story where Alf had left the tickets with them.

"Oh, didn't you give the tickets to Sonnenbrandt?" Honey said, "Yes, you said they were going to hold on to them, for safekeeping, until we needed them."

"What?" Alf said, "I definitely don't remember doing that!"

"I don't remember you doing that either, Alf," Venus said.

"Well, you did," Honey said, "You did do that."

Alf was confused. He hadn't done that! But Honey wouldn't lie to him... or would he?

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