Chapter 2~"I Never Let my Sister do Stupid Things... Alone."

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One year later...

My eyes shot open. "What's with all the ruckus?" I thought. I got up and put on my bunny slippers.

"Dad?" I said quietly, walking into the kitchen. I saw three shadows, two tall, and one shorter, but not much.

"Ron, Fred, George, what in the name of Merlin-,"

"J-just g-getting a m-m-midnight snack, M-mum."

"Don't be silly, Ron, it's just me."

"Who?" Fred and George chorused.

"Don't play dumb! It's me, Mary."

"Oh, good." Ron said.

"Now, what are you three doing at this time of morning?" I asked.

"Finding Scabbers."

"Playing quidditch."

"Getting a midnight snack."

Ron, Fred, and George all said at the same time.

"Okay, so first of all, you wake me up from the already little sleep I get with four brothers in the house and an early waking sister. And then, you lie to me? Really?" I said.

"S-sorry, but we can't tell you where we're-," Ron said, but was quickly cut off by George.

"You're not coming with us, if that's what you want."

"Ugh, fine, but I want to know where you're going."

"Already told you we're not telling." Fred said.

"Fair enough..." I said, putting one foot on the first step. "Mum!" I called.


"RON!" Fred and George chorused.

"Sorry!" Ron said.

"What's all the ruckus?" Called a voice from upstairs.

"Go! I'll cover for you!" I told them. They quickly scurried out the door and I ran to the cupboard and opened it.

"Mary, what in the name of Merlin are you doing at this time of morning?" Mum asked.

"Sorry Mum, I was just getting a midnight snack."

"No, no, I heard voices."

"Uh... I... knocked over something and I was talking to myself."

"Quite loudly, actually." A voice said, to my left.

"Ginny!" I said. "Sorry, to wake you." We locked eyes and I gave her that look that said: 'Don't say anything, I'll explain later!'

"Mary Weasley, quit your fibbing!" Mum said. Oh, no. I'm in big trouble now.

"But she's not lying!" Thank Merlin, Ginny!

"But I heard boy's voices. Sounded like Fred and Geo-,"

"Mum, I saw her! In fact, I was the one who asked her to get a snack for me!" Ginny lied. Mum sighed.

"Oh, all right then. But keep it down, or you'll wake everyone up!" Mum turned away but then turned back toward me. "You know, I could just whip you up something, quickly." Ginny and I smiled at eachother and sat down at the table. Five minutes later, Ginny and I were each eating a bowl of French Onion soup when Errol came flying through the window... well, at least he tried. He came flying at the window, hit the window, and fell. Bloody heck! I totally forgot! This Summer, I had been exchanging letters with Neville via owl, only, we did it at night. Neville's Gran didn't want him to talk to girls, and I just straight up don't want my brothers to know. Especially Fred and George. That would be practically asking them to give Neville free pranks.

Another One? ~A Weasley/Neville Longbottom/Seamus Finnigan Fanfiction~ (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora