Chapter 5~"Mummy, Have you Seen my Jumper?"

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I looked at Ginny and she nodded, exasperated. "Yeah, you can come in." Ginny responded, getting up, pushing the drawer she was searching back in, and belly-flopping onto her bed, just in-time for Neville to walk in.

"Is Ginny alright?" He asked.

"Mhm, just a little frustrated." I replied. There was an "Urgh!" from where Ginny was lying face-down on her bed. "Okay, so maybe a LOT frustrated...," I walked over to her bed and plopped down next to where she was lying. I began to stroke her hair because I knew it calmed her down. Well, at least it used to.

"Gin, why don't you go ask Mum if she knows where your jumper is?" I asked her. She flipped herself onto her back.

"Fine. I've lost all hope other than that, anyway." She admitted. She got up and walked out of the room into the kitchen. I got up and stood in the door frame to listen. I saw Mum scraping some food onto everyone's plates and the usual at the table: Ron, Fred, George, Percy, and... Harry?

"Um, Mummy?" Ginny asked her. "Have you seen my jumper?"

"Yes, dear, it was on the cat." Mum replied. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Bloody heck? The Weasley's don't even have a cat!" Well, yes and no. Did we have a living cat? No. But did we have a cat hook by the fireplace? Yes. Now back to the story!

"Hello." Harry said.

Ginny turned to face him. Her eyes widened and she ran upstairs to who-knows-where. Fred and George laughed.

"W-what did I do?" Harry asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"Ginny. She's been talking about you all Summer. Bit annoying, really-," Ron said.

"Ron!" I said, punching his shoulder. "But Fred, George, really? Don't you think you've tormented her about it enough- Oh, hello, Harry. Nice to see you, again-!"

"Morning, Weasley's!" Dad called, coming down the stairs. We all said "Good morning!" back, and Dad proceeded to tell us about yesterday's work day.

"What a night. Nine raids. Nine! And old Mundungus Fletcher tried to put a hex on me when I had my back turned. . . ." He sighed.

"Find anything, Dad?" said Fred eagerly.

"All I got were a few shrinking door keys and a biting kettle. There was some pretty nasty stuff that wasn't my department, though. Mortlake was taken away for questioning about some extremely odd ferrets, but that's the Committee on Experimental Charms, thank goodness...,"

"Why would anyone bother making door keys shrink?" said George.

"Just Muggle-baiting. Sell them a key that keeps shrinking to nothing so they can never find it when they need it. . . . Of course, it's very hard to convict anyone because no Muggle would admit their key keeps shrinking — they'll insist they just keep losing it. Bless them, they'll go to any lengths to ignore magic, even if it's staring them in the face. . . . But the things our lot have taken to enchanting, you wouldn't believe —"

"LIKE CARS, FOR INSTANCE?" Mum yelled as Dad stared guiltily at her.

"C-cars, Molly, dear?" He asked.

"Yes, Arthur, cars," said Mum, her eyes flashing. "Imagine a wizard buying a rusty old car and telling his wife all he wanted to do with it was take it apart to see how it worked, while really he was enchanting it to make it fly." Dad blinked.

"Well, dear, I think you'll find that he would be quite within the law to do that, even if — er — he maybe would have done better to, um, tell his wife the truth. . . . There's a loophole in the law, you'll find. . . . As long as he wasn't intending to fly the car, the fact that the car could fly wouldn't —"

"Arthur Weasley, you made sure there was a loophole when you wrote that law!" shouted Mrs. Weasley. "Just so you could carry on tinkering with all that Muggle rubbish in your shed! And for your information, Harry arrived this morning in the car you weren't intending to fly!"

"Harry?" Dad said, blankly. "Harry who?" He looked around, saw Harry, and jumped. "Good lord, is it Harry Potter? Very pleased to meet you, Ron's told us so much about —"

"Sorry to bring this up now, but Neville's here, too, Dad!" I went back into the bedroom, took Neville's hand, and brought him into the kitchen. We both looked at our linked hands and unlinked them, awkwardly. "S-say hello, both of you." I encouraged.

"OH, so this is your boyfriend you've been talking about-!," Dad said, as Fred and George chuckled to themselves. I blushed as red as a tomato.

"Dad, he's not my boyfriend! He's just a friend!" I exclaimed.

"Sure... Anyways, it's a pleasure to meet you, Neville." Dad said.

"You too, Mr. Weasley-," Neville replied but was cut off by Mum.

"ARTHUR, your sons flew that car to Harry's house and back last night!" She screamed at him. "What have you got to say about that, eh?"

"Did you really?" Dad said eagerly. "Did it go all right? I — I mean," He stuttered as Mum glared at him angrily. "that — that was very wrong, boys — very wrong indeed..."

"Let's leave them to it," Ron muttered to Harry. "Come on, I'll show you my bedroom."

"I'll come with you, I'd better go check on Ginny." I whispered to Ron. "Neville, go sit down and enjoy some breakfast. I'll be down with Ginny in a minute." I told him. After that, Ron, Harry, and I snuck upstairs, and Ron began explaining to Harry, "You don't know how weird it is for Ginny to be that shy. She never shuts up normally—,"

I shushed him when I heard sniffling, coming from the bathroom.

"Need any help?" Ron whispered to me.

"For now, show Harry around. I'll come find you if I do need any." I whispered back. Ron and Harry tiptoed up to Ron's room and I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Ginny?" I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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