Chapter 4~"There are no Secrets that Time does not Reveal."

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"Alright." I began. "As soon as I fly low enough, Neville, you hop off the broom and go to the front door. Ginny and I will go 'round back and climb back through the... bedroom... window... ,"

"Mary, what's wrong?" Ginny asked.

"It's Mum. She's in the front yard! Abort mission!"

"Alright then... FOLLOW ME!

I followed her and we flew 'round back. As we climbed off and went to the broom shed. I said: "Change of plans. Ginny, Neville, pretend to be asleep. I'll be experimenting with some of my muggle items, so when Mum comes in, I'll tell her Neville turned up last night and we let him in. Got it?"

"Got it." They both said. Ginny and I put the brooms back in the broomshed and we practically ran to our bedroom window. "Let's go!" Ginny climbed in first, then we helped Neville in, and last, I climbed in. Ginny climbed into her bed as Neville looked around, awkwardly.

"Uh, Neville, you can use my bed, if you want."

"Thanks!" Neville said as he put down his suitcase next to my bed and climbed on it. I put my wand back into my trunk. Suddenly, there were footsteps outside the door.

"That's Mum! Go to sleep!" I whisper-yelled and began playing with something that Dad said was called a light switch. Suddenly, Mum opened the door.

"Good morning, Mum!" I said, casually.

"Morning Mary." Mum replied, walking over to where Neville was "sleeping"... or was he actually sleeping? "Who is this?" She asked.

"Oh, right. That's Neville, he turned up last night!"

"Did he really? I-," She stopped mid-sentence, seeing as my eyes widened. GOSH I'M AN IDIOT! I thought. Why, you ask? Because I remembered that that was probably the exact excuse the boys were going to use for Harry.

"What's wrong, Mary?" Mum asked and being me, I accidentally, kind of... sort of... well, spilled the beans.

"Well, that's excuse Ron and Fred and George were going to use!" I gasped and covered my mouth.

"What did you say?" Mum asked, real slowly.

I sighed. There was no point in hiding it now. I'd ruined it. "Mum, Ron, Fred, and George... They're going to sneak Harry out of the Dursley's place...,"

"WHAT?" Mum screamed. There was bumping in the front yard.

"Uh, oh...," I mumbled. And with that, Mum stormed out of the room, yelling all kinds of unwritable things.

"You two can stop pretending to sleep now...," I said. Ginny sat up but Neville didn't.

"I ruined it Ginny... I ruin everything...,"

"No, you don't. Neville's having fun!" There was a snore from my bed.

"He'd rather be sleeping... I wish I didn't ruin everything I touch! First, I almost blew the boys' cover, then I ruined Neville's day, and then I actually blew the boys' cover! I can't do anything right!"

"Yes, you can." Said Neville, now sitting up. "Even though you practically forced me to come here, I'm glad you did. It'll be nice to have some change for once."

"Do you really mean it?" I asked him.

"Of course!" He replied. I walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. He blushed.

"Thanks, Nev." I said. There was a moment of silence that seemed to last a lifetime.

"We should get dressed!" Ginny suggested.

"Great idea!" I said. Neville looked as if he were scanning the room.

"OH, right! Neville, if you go upstairs, the bathroom's the third door on the right. You can get changed in there." I told him.

"Thanks. Be right back." Neville said, picking up his suitcase and exiting the room.

"SO, Mary...," Ginny began.

"Oh, no." I said.

"What was that kiss earlier?"

"I-it was n-nothing-,"

Ginny gasped. "D-do you... like him?"

"Of course I like him, Ginny! You and Neville are my best friends!"

"No, Mary... I mean like him, like... more than friends."

"Huh? Of course not! Neville's my best friend! Nothing more, nothing less, okay?" I asked her. Silence. I sighed. "L-let's just g-get d-dressed, o-okay? N-Neville should be done soon."

I put on some casual clothes and as Ginny was still in her nightgown, looking for her jumper, Neville knocked on the door.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

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