Chapter two

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Vanessa pov:

A week.

That's how long it had been since the collaboration videos.

I was playing around in my backyard with Tiger. Throwing a ball in different directions as Tiger bolted to get them.

"Nessa, I have huge news. Nessa!" I heard Veronica shouting from inside the house.

I turned towards the door. My eyes narrowed slightly as a result of the bright sunlight.

"Have you seen the views on last Tuesday's video? And the likes? Beyond the roof." Her voice echoed.

She sounded like she was hopping, due to the slight increase in volume of her voice.

"How much?" I asked as I walked in through the screen door, accompanied by Tiger.

"Four million views, with three hundred thousand likes." She shared.

After hearing the reply, my hands slightly shook with excitement. This was the most we've ever gotten.

"We also gained many subscribers!" She yelled. I almost felt the adrenaline rush through me as I began pacing the kitchen floor.

I looked over to the laptop screen she had been holding. The information on the screen only backed up what Roni had just said.

I quickly pulled out my phone to text the Dolan twins.

Nessa: hey guys, the collaboration video for our channel has done fantastic.

There wasn't a reply for a few minutes.

Roni and I, texted the Dolan twins regularly. Not over the top, but we texted enough to be consider 'friends' , which was a good place to start at.

Gray: that's great. Our video also did really good. So I guess we should hang out soon, our fans love you both.

I was excited to see the twins again, but I was nervous at the same time.

Nessa: yes definitely, what about tomorrow at 'the Blues Cafe' we could do a live stream on YouTube or something.

It sounded like a fool proof plan. If the fans loved watching us with the Dolan twins, they'd love watching us do a live stream with them.

Gray: that sounds good, I'll ask Eth, but I'm sure he'll be fine with it. 2 o'clock tomorrow?

Nessa: I think that will work for us, see you there. xx

There was no reply, I waiting anxiously, chewing on my nails.

What had I done. Two x's? Who even does that? Okay I just made a fool out of myself.

" What's up with you? You're not going to have nails by the end of the day if you keep biting them like that." Veronica pointed out.

"Oh, it's nothing. Hey are you free tomorrow at two? 'Cuz I might've made plans with Ethan and Grayson." I asked her nervously.

I watched as her facial expression went from confused to happy in a matter of seconds. It was as if I told her we were going to Disneyland.

"Yes of course! Um, I mean, let me check." She cleared her throat.

I had no clue as to what she had been checking, but she pulled out her phone, went to notes, and typed something.

"Nope, I'm free. Do you think it'll be awkward? I mean, like we don't really have that many things to talk about." Roni thought aloud.

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