Chapter five

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Veronica's pov:

My whole body felt numb from my head to my toes. I stare up at the roof of my bedroom and sigh.

A strange emotion swarmed my stomach, and all I could do to stop it was take deep breaths.

Yesterday, after the ice cream trip, Ethan came over to my house and we all just talked until early morning hours.

We had completely forgotten about the YouTube Convention Party we were all invited to. I was now laying in bed mid afternoon, too lazy to get up and start getting ready.

"Roni, if you don't start getting ready soon, we'll be late to the party." Nessa explained, walking up to me and pulling the blankets off my warm body.

"Nessa, I don't feel to good." I respond, yawning between my sentence.

"Well too bad, I can't go to the convention party without you. Start getting ready now."

I groan and cuddle into a tight ball to give my body some warmth.

"Oh and I forgot to mention that the twins are coming to pick us up to take us to the party so-" Nessa begins but I cut her off mid sentence.

"Oh my gosh, Ethan is coming to pick us up?" I whisper yell, mostly to myself.

"And Grayson.. Why are you acting so strange?" Vanessa asks me.

Instead of answering, I get out of bed and slightly shove her out of my room.

"I have to get ready." I tell her.

As I'm about to shut the door in her face, she pushes back with a little force and smirks at me.

"I thought you didn't feel good." She said using air quotation to represent what I had said earlier.

"I'm fine now." I respond, and without waiting for a response, I shut the door in her face.

I turn to my bathroom and start my routine.


I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled in satisfaction. I looked fairly well, and presentable to all the Youtubers that were going to be at the party.

Before I could add my earings to my ears, Vanessa walked into my room, with an annoyed look on her face.

She waved her arm in my face and got my attention to her arm, which was stuck halfway up the sleeve of her dress.

"A little help here please." Nessa said, her voice pleading me to help her untangle.

I stepped forward and began helping her straighten her arm, in a few moments time her dress was on properly.

She wore a parrot green two piece dress, that had a layer of parrot green lace completely covering it.

She looked beautiful to say the least.

I looked down at my own marble printed, knee length dress. I had complemented it with a pair of black strapped high heels. Along side with a black and gold necklace around my neck.

Vanessa began rummaging through my closet, and she came out with a pair of my nude heels.

"Can I borrow these for the night?" She wondered.

I nodded and smiled.

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