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-you were opulence

jisung stood outside the empty classroom, still as a rock as he listened to the words of the people from inside.

"fucking disgusting." a female voice cussed, "jung jaewon, you really are a freak."

before being in this situation, jisung was walking with chenle until the boy took off, leaving jisung in the dust just to simply annoy him.

he was about to follow his trail until he heard the voices from inside a classroom and decided to stay out of curiosity.

"i wonder if the rumors are true." another voice says, "we'll prove it right ourselves if you're really a freak."

"hey, grab her arms!" the first voice heard exclaimed.

"stop!" jaewon tried to yell but it sounded cowardly.

"hey you, record this. this will be good blackmail material."

"once this spreads around, you'll be done for, you bitch!" they laughed as they began to unbutton jaewon's uniform.

"stop! no-" jaewon struggled but she was outnumbered. due to her desperation, her eyes began to fill with tears.

"stop fighting, you whore." one voice insulted, it was obvious that she was the one trying to unbutton the uniform and was getting tired of jaewon's persistence.

rain began to fall, the raindrops were loud and heavy just like jaewon's tears.

jisung was disturbed, his mind suddenly putting some understanding into what his friends said to him.

he knows they would encourage to leave it alone but he's certain that if he walks away, the guilt would eat him up alive. and so he slammed the door open, all in the room flinched in shock.

the girls, knowing that they've been busted, jumped away from jaewon who quickly began to cover herself and fix her uniform.

"jisung! it's you!" one of the girls exclaimed, "classes are about to start. why are you here..?"

another girl grabbed his shoulders, "don't mind it, let's go to class–"

"don't fucking touch me." he pushed her away, "you have the nerve to act innocent after i heard what you said. i'm going to tell the higher ups about this so enjoy your classes as much as you can."

they looked like they were about to say something but jisung shouted before they could, "leave!"

they scrambled out like chicks, leaving the two of them behind.

he then faces the crying girl. she looks up to see his anxious expression, "thanks," she said awkwardly, "uh, for standing up for me."

just like the other girls, jaewon bolted out of the room with her head low when jisung was about to say something. almost immediately, the rain stopped.

and at that moment, jisung knew that her tears dried out, causing the rain to be halted as well.

now he understands what's so different about her. it was weird but extraordinary, it was different but interesting. he didn't think too much of it since it was way out of his capability.

jaewon was still in a hurry to put some distance between her and jisung. no one has ever defended her. this was the first time.

how shameful you are, jaewon.


"jisung, what did i tell you?" haechan looked at the younger seriously, "if you keep acting like her prince charming then she's going to like you."

"do you guys think she's that bad?" jisung asks.

"well i don't think she is but i guess nobody wants to be friends with her because she keeps crying." chenle shrugs.

the whole gang was silent as chenle spoke the truth. nobody wants to deal with a crying girl all the time especially when she has some kind of magical power to control the weather.

then jeno coughs to lighten up the atmosphere, "jaemin and i are going down town, you guys want to come?"

everybody agreed except for one person.

"hey jisung, you wanna go?" renjun asks him.

jisung stops walking and he gazed outside the school windows, everyone also stops and looks at where he was staring at.

it was jung jaewon standing outside in the rain, she was crying again.

"leave it, jisung." jaemin reminds the younger of the kind of conversation they just had.

he didn't even look at his hyungs. jisung just stared at the girl drenched in her own tears, "you guys can go ahead. i have something i got to do."

"jisung, stop." mark told him, "you don't know what you're-"

"hyung, i don't know what she is but i don't give a damn. so leave me be." jisung digs out the umbrella hidden in his backpack and proceeds to leave his hyungs alone.

jaewon stands under the open sky, cold and alone but it didn't bother her. she found it comforting. compared to how people treated her, the freezing rain felt like a warm hug.

her eyes snapped open when she realized that the raindrops weren't hitting her anymore. she turned around and saw jisung, holding an umbrella above them.

"what are you doing here? don't you know that you're gonna get sick?" he scolds her.

"why do you care?" she asks back sharply, "did you lose a bet to your friends now that you're doing this?"

"of course not! do you think I'm that bad?" jisung stated, "its not like everybody thinks you're a bad person."

she looks at him, her tears slowing down and the heavy rain suddenly turned into a light drizzle, "not everyone but nobody wants me."

she then sighs and looks down, unable to face him, "everybody's afraid of me."

jisung opened his mouth to say the next words that had her heart swelling.

"i'm not afraid of you."

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