alright my dudes

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i seriously felt bad for disappearing from wattpad for a while so here's the lucas draft ive been working on lmao

WARNING: i t  s u c k s

tell me if its the good shit or just plain shit. btw this is just the first chapter so its like a teaser lmfao so imma stop my blabbering and here ya go

since i woke up that day, the only thing i knew was that i was stuck inside a painting. i didnt know when or how i got there. all i remember is being trapped in a canvas with no way out.

the moment i woke up - it was such a long, long, long time ago. it was so far ago that i lost count of the years i spent being a painting but still, i remember the people who have brought me into their house, only just to throw me away because i was 'haunted'.

it was because they didnt know i was alive. i would watch them do their things. their most sinful and most despicable actions were what i witnessed every single day, since they didnt know i was watching them the whole time.

i would comment on their behavior and i guess they seemed to hear it because the next thing i knew, i was stuffed inside a cardboard box, surrounded by darkness, off to who knows where

it felt like a hundred years, maybe even two. as my painting grew older, my price became more expensive. there were buyers everywhere. there were biddings, raffles, you name it.

when my owners get sick of me or die, i am just displayed in an art museum until some rich ass person who is interested in me for interior design buys me again

i taught myself not to comment about people live's anymore so i wouldnt get kicked out. i'm sick of going back and forth. all through the years, snippets of my memories came back. my name is xu yiyang and i am from sichuan, china.

i also remember another person's name. wong yukhei. at first i thought he was the one that painted me but then i remember that we were in a relationship together before.

yes, i realized i wasn't always a painting. i just didn't know how i became one. back to the names, wong yukhei was my fiance and i just remember being so in love with him.

i remember his face, but not his voice. he was always so kind, so patient and caring. he was also very respectful and handsome. the perfect man - my perfect man.

but turns out he wasnt so perfect after all because i learned a lot about him from the people who apparently did research and history on my painting.

"and here we have the painting of lady xu yiyang"  said the tour guide to the tourists, looks like i was the main attraction again, "xu yiyang is a real person from the 1700s. she is also from a noble family but she fell in love with a third-class man. they were never meant to be and their love was considered as forbidden amongst the villagers."

"after this painting was made, lady xu yiyang was killed by her fiance. he stole all her jewelry and ran off. they found him and hanged him publicly for all to watch."

how brutal.

"he kept denying the accusations of murder, saying that he also didnt know where she was but those were never proved and he went down in history as a liar." he continued,"and up till now, lady xu yiyang's body has never been found."

one of the tourists shakily raises their hand, "what was the name of lady yiyang's fiance?"

"who knows?" the tourist guide says, "he was a commoner and a criminal. he had no birth certificate or a grave. he had no paper information since he was only a farmer, so as the researchers say."

a farmer? no, he wasn't a farmer. but he was gifted in so many things. his eyes reigned something like that of royalty and integrity but he was all but a humble man. he would be at the fields to help his family but if you ever knew him, you wouldn't recall him as a farmer.

"the only evidence of his existence were the stories that have been passed down from his public execution and from lady yiyang's diary." the tourist guide said, "it is allegedly stated that he kept calling out her name until his last breath."

it was then i realized that i was the only one who knew his name.

the tourist guide shakes his head, "many historians believed that he only used her to gain materialistic pleasures. in fact, although it's never been proven, a number of evidences points that it was him who killed her."

it crushed me but what could i do? i'm just a painting.

dont know if i should continue it tho the plot seems a lil too complex even for the author and thats me boi i need a life smh

as always thanks for reading <3

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