Audacity of Hope

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Written by MahekVij and me


I looked at my watch for the fifth time. It was 4:50 in the evening. Diya's not yet here. We fixed our date at 5, but I was so excited that I reached the place an hour ago. After all, who will not be excited, when you've a date with the girl of your dreams.

Diya is my colleague in the office, on whom I have a crush since three months. I still remember the day I saw her for the first time. I felt that my heart nearly stopped for a moment, my throat went dry and everything seemed to move in slow motion. Something about her kept me captivated and left me mesmerized. She threw a spell on me which binded my gaze to her. I instantly fell for her.

She has a voice like music under the summer breeze. Melodies, she speak. Every time she walks along the corridor, my gaze instantly shifts over to her. I would have to rip down my eyes apart to concentrate on my work and that would be the most difficult task.

I never imagined that "Hey, wanna get a coffee with me?" would be that difficult to ask. It may sound silly, but in fact, it took me 3 months to ask her out, only after many days of secret rehearsals before the mirror.

Finally when I asked her out, she instantly said a yes, and notably, with a big smile.

She arrived. It was 4:59, still a minute to go for the planned time. She's also early. Is she excited too? That alone thought boosted up my adrenaline levels.

She wore a sky blue attire, simple yet suited her perfectly. Her beautiful eyes, cologne already started to destabilize me.

"Hey, Mayank"

"Hey Diya".

"Wow, you're here before time," she said smiling.

"No, it's just been five minutes", I replied with a slightly uncomfortable simper.

"Oh really? Okay", she grinned, hiding her pinching smile.

I smiled sheepishly. 'She knows', I thought. 'Yes', I nearly stuttered.

Girls are evil, aren't they? So evil that they destroy all our hours of practice sessions with a single look.

"Sir, your order please", asked the waiter, breaking my tense feeling. There came my saviour. 'I should give him an extra tip', I thought.

"Cold coffee please", we both said that together. We broke into a big laughter.

"So, two cold coffees", I said to the waiter and he left.


Breaking the silence, she asked "You're a writer. Aren't you?"

"Yes, I'm. Just trying to enter into professional writing", I said, with a  startled look. "How do you know?"

She replied, "I read a few of your stories before. I should say that you really are a wonderful writer. In fact, when you asked me out, perhaps, that was the first reason I accepted. Your way of thinking made you interesting".

"Thank you", I said humbly.

"So, what are future plans with writing?", she asked enthusiastically.

Beaming, I replied, "Maybe writing a novel with the love of my life. And.."

"And what?" she smirked.

"And there's a very high chance that it'll be you", I replied proudly.

Her cheeks slightly blushed. "Trying to flirt with me with your lies?" she asked.

All of a sudden, she started hiccuping.

"Doesn't that say something? See, I didn't lie", I said, laughing out aloud.

"That's interesting", she sniggered. "In fact, it could be anyone from 7 billion people in the world".

"Why have second thoughts when you know it's me, Mayank, the one sitting before you?", I asked.

"Okay, okay", she said. The blush on her face became intense now.

"Look how beautiful this vase is..just wow. I can remain like this seeing that forever".

"Now you surely are flirting with me", she said with a mischievous tone.

"Yeah. Rule no 1 of professional flirting - when you want to praise a girl, praise a vase instead".

Our cold coffee arrived meanwhile. Its heavenly taste added more happiness to her presence.

"Fantastic!!", we both exclaimed that at the same time again.

"Is this any sort of trick?" she asked.

"Looks like our thoughts are connected", I said with a wink.

"I've one more plan in my life", I said, trying to bring confidence.

"And what's that?", she asked.

"I would love to have a coffee with you", I said.

"You're having it now".

"I want to have it today, tomorrow, day after tomorrow, every single day in my life. Will you give me that chance?"

"Yes, I'll", she said, nodding her head. "We'll be needing a lots of coffee".

"Love you Diya", I said.

"Love you too Mayank", she replied with the happiness in her eyes.

"Love you to moon and back.. love you to the end of universe and ba..."

A strong hand which held my shoulders forced me to open my eyes only to realize that it was my dream. My boss stood before me with a serious look on his face.

Oh no! My afternoon nap ended badly.

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