The Blind Date

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The alarm clock buzzed loudly, forcing me to wake up. If there's anything I hate in this world, that must be this damn thing. After all, it was a holiday after many tiring working days. I craved for that little more sleep, but then again, I reminded myself of the tasks I've to do that day.

One part of Diya tried to convince me to carry out my responsibilities, while the other part said 'Don't give a damn Diya'. As the great battle continued inside me, a sound from kitchen made my decision clear. 'Mayank's awake now. I should get up', I thought. Unwillingly, I woke up stretching, yawning like a cat.

Finishing my chores, I sat down, dusting things around. As we shifted to a new house, a bit of rearranging part was pending. Unpacking card boxes, I started arranging them in the cup boards. It was then my eyes found my scrapbook, lying all alone, laden with dust.

One single look at my scrap book flushed back all the memories of the past. 'Those were the best days', I thought. Unfinished stories, childish scribbles, heart touching quotes - they all remained orphaned there. A smile crept over my face looking at those silly things. Flipping pages, I reached the 'To do in life' list made by me. It included all my list of wishes and things to do before I settle in my life.

1. Riding a Royal Enfield bike
2. A trip to Ladakh with besties
3. Bungee jump
4. Watch a meteor shower
5. Get a shelter pet
6.  Spend a month in grandma's village
7. Get lost in the world's largest library.
8. Fly like a bird
9. Publish a book
10. Mayank

My fingers rubbed his name gently. His name's enough for my heart to beat wildly.

It was a gloomy weather, the clouds ready to unzip their pants anytime. Yes, you guessed it right. I'm not a big fan of rains. In fact, I despise them. Unlike people who fantasize rain by saying it's pleasant, I rather feel that rain brings some kinda sadness.

I cursed Mayank and myself for having agreed to a blind date at such a time. More than everything, I was super excited and tensed. I know a lot of things about him, but never saw his face. It was supposed to be a blind date after all.

"It's a lovely weather, Isn't it?" Mayank initiated. There was something about his deep, husky voice which made me feel attracted and tensed at the same time.

"Really? I thought it's slightly irritating", I replied.

"Seriously Diya, how can someone dislike rains? They're so romantic".

"Ahaan. So, if it's that romantic, why don't you tell a romantic thing now".

"I'm not good at all these things. To be honest, all my preparation went in vain. All I can say is you're very beautiful".

I smiled and answered, “You're such a liar. It's all dark here and you actually realized that?". I wondered if my blush is visible.

“Woah! That's why we men generally don't go romantic. Because, if we do, we'll be called liars,” Mayank expressed.

"Okay Mr. Liar. Tell me how many girlfriends have you had before?"

"Umm. The number which I am about to say is an ancient and important number. It was invented by the famous mathematician Aryabhatta. Yeah, it is zero. What about you?"

I laughed out loud.

"How about you, Ms. Rain hater?"

"The number belongs to an infinite family, the prime numbers. And it's the youngest one in the family. Yeah, two it is".

There was a moment of silence before I continued again, "First one was an asshole. He cheated on me"

"And the second one?"

"I thought we were perfect. Everything went well. But you know, perhaps, it was all fault in the stars", I said in an emotional tone.

Noticing that, he said, "Looks like you're sad. I can make you laugh in a minute. It's simple".


"But first of all, you've to give me 2000 rupees".

"What? Why?" I said in a shock.

"If you are good at something, never do it for free", he said that in joker voice.


"See, I did that''.

"Great. You look like a man of words. What do you do?"

"I'm a mechanical engineer from one of the thousand institutes in the country. I'm striving to revolutionize this world positively".

Silence. It's been a minute, but it was all silent.

"Hello, are your existing? Don't say that you're out of words just because I'm a mechanical engineer? Or you're a ghost?" Mayank sounded worried.

Silence again.

I snapped my finger near to his ear suddenly which nearly knocked him out of his chair.

I held his hand and started laughing uncontrollably. After a second, he too joined.

"So, apart from being beautiful and scaring people, what do you do?"

"I'm a writer. I write about what I feel. It can be anything around me, this rain, darkness, or the person who's irradiating awesomeness sitting in front of me".

"Can you try a line on everything altogether?"

That day, in the midst of darkness and rain, I found a music which touched my heartstrings again. They played melodies which I've never heard before. I'm afraid to give in, but the music assured me happiness. The melody is love. I wondered if there is any fault in the stars, but then again, my heart answered, when you find the correct moon, the fault in our stars never matter.

The lights were back.

There were tears in my eyes and Mayank was spellbound.

He held my hand and proposed me.

It's been 5 years since that rainy night, but I still feel like it was yesterday. We're happily married now.


A tear of happiness dropped from my eyes. "What happened?", Mayank came worried.

"Nothing", I said rubbing my eyes.

"I know why you're crying".

"Why?" I asked, placing my hands on my waist.

In a sad tone, he said, "Diya, I got a dream yesterday. ....and when I was about to kiss you, I woke up and I couldn't kiss you. I feel bad."

Laughing inside, I inched towards him, placed my hands around his shoulder and kissed him. "Why should you depend on your dream for the kiss?", I winked.

"My god! I'm such a good liar. After all, I'm Mr. Liar", he winked.

'Yes I know how good a liar you're', my heart whispered.

"You know, I got the same dream yesterday", I winked, and kissed him again.

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