The Dice of Life - 2

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Written by me and MahekVij


(Part 1 ending)

'Any last words, huh?', she giggled slightly. 'Fuck this world. Fuck my life. Embrace me, O river', and she started to jump.


(Part 2)

The very next moment, all of a sudden, a powerful hand hauled her  onto the ground with a force. The impact caused  her vision to blur slightly. When she came back to her senses, she realized that she was alive. Very much alive.

Disappointed by the unsought result, and turned to the stranger angrily. He was an elderly man in his mid-fifties; he had that typical fatherly look in him.

"Why did you save me? Do I even know you? Can't you mind your own business?", she shouted.

The stranger answered in a calm tone, "Well, I think you owe me a thanks instead of shouting at me, don't you?"

She was now clearly frustrated. She decided to end the conversation with him and continue her task thereafter. "Oh, yeah! I'm thankful for your kind deed", she said sarcastically. "Now you may proceed in your way and I'm going back to the bridge. Nobody can stop me", she added.

"Why do you want to commit suicide?", he asked, ignoring her reply.

Anya felt that she doesn't owe him an explanation. But she knew that the old man wouldn't leave her that easily. So, she decided to tell him the truth.

"Why dear? Why do you want to die?", he asked her again affectionately.

A tear rolled from her eye. Very few times in her life she experienced affection.

"Because I've lost everything in my life and there's no reason for me to live".

The old man gave a sarcastic sigh.

"What? Don't you understand, I lost everything in my life and I don't want to live any further", she shouted.

The stranger's expression changed a bit. His eyebrows drew slightly closer, as if he were annoyed by the answer. He came forward and slapped her tightly on her face. That threw her balance off.

For an instant, Anya was shocked. In a second, it transformed to anger. She wished if he could throw him into the water.

"How dare you beat me?", she yelped with rage as tears flowed through her eyes uncontrollably. On the top of her lungs, she shouted, "Without a reason, how can you hit me?" She clenched her fists tightly and proceeded to fight with him.

Surprisingly, he just smiled and answered, "See dear, Just look at yourself now. When I hit you, there were tears in your eyes, that means you felt pain; you got anger, that means you know that you've something left in you; you fought back, that means you have that spirit, you can still fight. And you're saying you've lost everything? You've everything that's required to live."

She was speechless. She tried to answer him back, but no words came to her mouth. Her anger had completely subsided by then.

Seconds later, she said in a low voice, "But, being not cared by anyone is...You know, nothing can be worse than being an orphan".

He replied, "I understand. I really do. Years before, I lost my daughter.

In a doubtful voice, she asked, "Don't get me wrong. Can losing your child will be more painful than not having parents?"

"Hmm", he continued, "A wife who lost her husband is called a widow. A husband who lost his wife is called a widower. A person who lost his parents is called an orphan. There's no word for a parent who lost his/her child. It's that terrible".

"Sorry, but how did she die?", she questioned.

He said, "She died right before my eyes. Suicide. I wish I could give my life to Him instead. If she was alive, she would've had your age.".

Anya chose silence. Her tears spoke instead.

The old man continued speaking, "There are billions of people in this world; Do you see that child selling things for his livelihood ? He has a story. You see that pregnant woman? She has a story. You see that young boy and girl? They have a story..see, even this street dog has a story".

She looked at them. She was engrossed in her thoughts.

He interrupted her thoughts and continued, "I'm sure everyone in this world have stories.But we won't recite any of these stories. Why? Because there are stories for everyone, but only few will become histories."

Anya felt as if there was a sudden enlightment. Somewhere in her, deep inside her soul, a new inspiration was born. She realized that she was wrong. His words kept repeating in her mind.

"If you still want to die, I won't stop you. Listen, this world won't care if you die. The world remembers winners, not losers". And he started walking away.

"I didn't lose anything, I've me", she kept on repeating that.

Even though things had not turned out the way she wanted , she was glad that she was alive. His words felt like a balm to her battered soul.

She thanked him in his heart. Lost in her thoughts, she walked in the wrong direction. She walked towards the bridge.

He turned back to see what choice she made. His heart became heavy and tears soaked his face.

From a corner, a car came in full cruise and hit him. Anya turned back to see what has happened. There the stranger lied, covered in a pool of blood.

(End of part 2)
Part 3 is published.

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