Sand Castle of Love

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"Come to the ghat. We need to talk", said Mayank.

Diya was super-excited because it was their third dating anniversary. 'Maybe he's gonna surprise me', she thought.

She was waiting for this day for a month. She dressed herself in the special cobalt-blue dress which she had bought a couple of days before for the occasion. It was Mayank's favorite color after all. On the table desk, there lied the surprise gift which she planned to present to her love. The gift was neatly wrapped in blue which had patches of M❤D all over. She kissed it for the tenth time and placed it in her handbag.

Three years before, they met during a train journey.


Mayank came to the compartment panting heavily. Rain soaked his clothes completely and his hair was completely messed up. More than everything, he was acting weird by staring at the girl sitting in front of him for the past half an hour.

She closed the novel which she held in her hand and with an annoying look, she said, "Excuse me? Why are you staring at me for the past one hour?"

"I'm thankful you were looking at me for the past one hour", replied Mayank.

"Hmm. Clever".

"Yes, I'm clever by birth. It's enhanced in your presence".

"Ohh, really? What's your name?"

"A guy who met you on train".

"Why don't you tell your real name? Are you shy?"

"Everyone calls me by my name. I don't want the special person in my life to call me like that".

"Okay, my name is D..."

"I already know your name"

"What? How? Is it the girl who met you on train?"

"No. It's the girl who made me travel on this train for no reason".


"I actually came here to drop my friend. I was about to leave and I saw you then. But, ever since I saw you, I don't feel like leaving. Train had already started by then and I had to chase the train to end up here. I even got the showers of blessings from the heavens abode".

Both laughed together.

"Oh shit! Now that you asked, I just remembered that my friend's train ticket is in my pocket. He's surely gonna kill me".

"You know, you're crazy". Saying so, she bursted out laughing again.

"Yes, I know. Today, I've reached a new level".

"What's all this for?"

"I don't understand this too. If they all call it love, maybe it's that".

"Love at first sight seems good only in stories and movies. Not in real lives. It takes time".

"I feel that love is the pure feeling which originates in our heart. We never know when that happens. We cannot plan and fall in love. It just happens. And I think, it happened to me now".

"Interesting. My name is Diya".

"My name is on the novel that you're reading".

"There will be many names. Which one's that?"

"The one which is on the cover. Mayank Aurora, the writer of that novel".

"That's... That's unbelievable. Is that really true?"

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