1: Mustafar: A Victory for the Dark Side

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Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi were fighting for their lives on Mustafar, a lava planet not made for the weak. The heroes were fighting on a platform on top of a lava river, and everything was going to reach a dark finale. Obi-Wan jumped to land but Anakin stayed on the platform:

"It's over Anakin, I have the high ground!". This triggered a horrific reaction in Anakin, who jumped towards his master. Obi-Wan tried to hit him but Anakin blocked his attack and cut his chest with his lightsaber. Obi-Wan, who seemed to be in terrible pain, fell to the ground near the lava. "You made me do this, Obi-Wan! I had to. You have become an enemy of my new Empire." He turned off his lightsaber and kept looking at his former master.

"An...Anakin. I can't breathe. Don't...don't do this. There is Light...inside you." Anakin laughed and said: "Light is a lie. The Jedi Order is a lie, and I can see the truth now. Why would I want to return to it?". Obi-Wan touched his chest, which had a terrible wound all along. He felt a pressure in his lungs, and started screaming. "Anakin, I...have...failed you. I'm...sorry." These were Obi-Wan's last words before his death. Anakin felt guilty for a moment, but then strong. He was fully converted to the Dark Side, and nothing would bring him back to his senses.

He grabbed his master's lightsaber and left. He then saw Padmé's ship and ran to it. C-3PO and R2D2 stared at him, and not a single sound came from them. Padmé was unconscious at the back of the ship and Anakin sat next to her. "My love. It is all done now. Obi-Wan is dead, and you and I will rule this corrupted galaxy." Padmé heard these words and opened her eyes, only to look right into the eyes of a monster. "No, it's impossible. Stay away from me, you are a monster!". Anakin was feeling angry but went to the cockpit. "3PO, come here. We are going to Coruscant." 3PO stared at Anakin and said: "My most recent results tell me that Padmé's life could be..." . -"Cut the chatter or I'll leave you here."

The ship took off, while Obi-Wan's corpse remained near lava. Anakin remembered everything but didn't say a word. He arrived at the old Jedi Temple in Coruscant, where the Emperor was waiting for him with his army of clones. The ship landed and Vader walked towards Palpatine.

-Master, it is all done.

-You have done well, Vader. You have brought peace to the Galaxy, and we will ensure it stays this way. Come, let's talk. Leave us (talking to the clones).

Vader and the Emperor walked along the destroyed Temple, and talked about many things:

-"Your connection with the Force has become greedy and strong."

-"Thank you, Master. But there is something...with someone."

-"I know. You shall kill Padmé. This path you are following right now must let you free, including the ones you love."

-"I don't understand. I could change her mind to follow my steps and help us build the new Empire."

-"You are sounding like a Jedi, my apprentice. Only the most powerful Sith will follow you: the others must be eliminated or controlled."

-"But Master, I love her. Obi-Wan turned her against me, but I can make her think about it."

-"No. You shall follow my command. Now I can see you still have many things to learn, Vader."

Vader didn't say a word and walked to another Temple room. He found the younglings he had killed during Order 66, and tears began to run down his face. He remembered everything he had left behind and couldn't believe it. He then remembered himself as a little boy in Tatooine talking to Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan. Those people made him what he is nowadays, and he didn't know if that was good or bad. He certainly recognised all of his actions, but he thought it was the right thing to do. The Dark Side, the Sith...everything.

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