10: Hope Must Survive

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On a remote island in Ahch-To, the Grand Jedi Master peacefully sought a solution to his drawbacks. The time he spent on that island helped him to investigate more about the first Jedi, consequently sorting out a little the thoughts he had been forging for hundreds of years.
His meditation was interrupted by a wild but reasonable thought.
Yoda thought and felt that his whole life was a lie: so many mistakes made by the Jedi Order made him reflect deeply on the matter.
For a moment he felt that all his attempts to restore peace were failing, and that there was finally no hope left in the galaxy. Just thinking Kira was loose made him lament in solitude.
Every day darkness increased, and there was no light to counteract it. The balance in the Force had really been broken, and the prophecy of the Chosen One seemed to have been in vain.
However, there was still someone close to Yoda.
The Jedi leaned over a rock, and used all his energy to contact his old friend.
Two hours later, an old cargo ship landed on the island. A small figure descended from it and walked towards Yoda eagerly.

"Oh, Yoda. I thought I'd never see you again. Age really affected you."

"Hello, Maz. Help, I need. Stuck on this island, I am. And someone powerful, loose is."

"Hm... I could feel it. I was beginning to suspect that darkness was dominating lately."

"Yes. Move quickly, we must."

The two elders boarded the ship and jumped into hyperspace in search of a faint sign of hope in the galaxy.

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