2: Destroying The Past

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Darth Vader, submerged in an ocean of fury and repentance, travelled to Tatooine to put an end to the light that remained within him. He landed on his new personal ship, the Tie Vengeance II, near a moisture farm that he had visited in the past but wished to erase from his mind.
He knelt in front of the pile of earth where his mother was buried. He took a handful of dry land, as he had once done at that painful burial, and concentrated his power in an immense way.
"I couldn't keep my promise, Mom. Please help me..."
Tears began to run down his face as the twin suns hid in the horizon. His teardrops fell on that cold sand which hid his mother's dead body, and a mysterious but familiar voice reached the ears of the repentant Sith.
"Who are you?" Are you all right?"
Vader stood up and lowered his hood.
"Anakin! I barely recognized you. I just got some terrible news from..."
The young woman interrupted her speech when she realized that Vader's eyes were slowly turning reddish and slightly orange.
"I'm not Anakin. Not anymore."
Vader, with a cold hand gesture, began to strangle the peasant's neck. A man heard the screams and ran towards Vader.
"Stop it! Let her go!"
Vader slowly turned his head and raised his left arm, pointing it towards the desperate man. An electric shock exploded in his hand, generating a lightning strike that struck the man's chest, causing serious injuries that led to his death.
The woman's neck was crushed, and Vader threw her body towards a wall using the Force. The deceased bodies of Owen and Beru Lars were lying in front of him.
Darth Vader's powers were growing at an unprecedented rate, and he could feel it within him. He began to think that he could defeat the Emperor and claim his power over the recent Galactic Empire, but this time his visions did not accompany him in that decision, so he decided to remain under Palpatine's control. If one day he had intended to take such actions, he would have to be sure that nothing would go wrong.
Finally, he focused his gaze on the pile of earth he was standing on:
"Thank you."

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