3: A Plot Against Vader

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In a Star Destroyer flying over Coruscant, the Emperor was looking through a wide window as he listened to Wilhuff Tarkin's reports.

"The battle station is having some construction delays, my Lord. But I personally believe that..."

"There's nothing personal here, Tarkin. I am waiting for progress. So I want you to give me progress."

Tarkin, considering the Emperor's words, left without questioning his authority.
An Imperial officer quickly replaced him just to bring bad news:

"Emperor. We've captured Anakin Skywalker, but he claims to be under your power. However, according to protocol we must execute him."

"No! Bring him to me. I'm going to deal with him myself."

In an unknown region, on an unknown planet, the Emperor met Vader. He had to solve the problem once and for all:

"Master. What is all this nonsense?"

"Relax, Vader. The solution to this matter is simpler than you think."

"What matter? All I see are Imperial soldiers chasing me across the galaxy."

"We both know and can't deny your past. The galaxy recognizes you as Anakin, who would be an enemy of the Empire."

"I don't understand."

"Hmm. Don't worry, my apprentice. You will understand."

Palpatine, with a sinister look, left the desolate planet along with some Imperial special forces. However, a stormtrooper left his group and walked quickly towards Vader. He removed his helmet, revealing a face that was familiar to the Sith.

"Clones never forget. Especially treason."

Vader couldn't believe what he was seeing. He didn't even react when the clone lifted his blaster and fired at Vader's face, who suddenly fell to the ground.
The remaining special forces spotted what was happening and immediately eliminated the rebellious stormtrooper. Vader was quickly transported to the nearest medical unit.
Meanwhile, the Emperor's personal transport continued its journey without turning back. Palpatine opened his eyes and extended his hand, which had been tense for the last few minutes.
"It is done", the Emperor told a deformed figure of a hologram shining before him.

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