Chapter 1

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Being transferred. It could be your best bet or your worst mistake.. That's for you to decide.

"Uh.. Hello sir, I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." You introduced, shaking your new boss's hand. He nodded, smiling kindly.

"Hello Miss. (L/N)." He replied, taking a seat and motioning for you to do the same. You sat down as he picked up a small file.

"Your record is impeccable... And you were considered the best of the best back in (Y/Town)." He said, nodding his head in thought.

"Yes sir." You answered, smiling slightly. He looked back up at you.

"Your transfer will start now if you'd like." He declared, standing up. His bald head caught a slight glare, making you bite back a smile.

"I'd like that very much sir." You answered.

"Great! I'll show you to your office and I'll get your briefed on your first patient... You can call me Dr. Strange.. Welcome to Arkham Asylum."


You sat in your new office, a large file in your hand. Your patient had been in and broken out of the Asylum over a dozen times. He had single-handedly corrupted and turned one of his therapists. This man wasn't a joke; No pun intended. The Joker's real name wasn't mentioned and he had at least ten 'back stories'. It wasn't going to be easy.

After about an hour of studying his case it was time to meet him. You walked into a windowless room, immediately gulping. The green haired male looked up at you and smiled widely. The smile was so large it looked painful, his bleach white skin looking smooth. His orange jumpsuit stood out against the cuffs that bound him to the table.

"Look what the cat dragged in!... Another toy!" He exclaimed, laughing loudly. You sat down across from him, putting his file on the table.

"You know what I want.... Why not make this easy for both of us?" You suggested, putting both your arms on the table. He tilted his head, an intrigued smirk painting his face.

"What about what I want?" The Joker asked, leaning away from the table.

"If you're a good boy and give me what I want I'll have them take off the cuffs.. Maybe give you recreation time." You bargained, putting one leg over the other under the table.

"And if I'm a bad boy will you spank me?" He asked before bursting out laughing. You let out a sudden burst of air before laughing quietly.

"No... So how about that, sound good?... And I want the truth." You insisted, crossing your arms.

"Ah, what the hell. Deal." He agreed, leaning toward the table.

"Once upon a time I lived in an apartment with my pregnant wife." He started.

"It says you don't have a kid or a wife." You interjected.

"Just listen to the damn story." He hissed. You sighed and motioned for him to continue.

"I was a failed comedian... And I was sliding heavily on the rent.. One day two men offered me a way out... They wanted me to lead them through a building to rob the store next to it... They were going to make sure I was protected and that my wife and I would live in luxury.." He paused, his eyes glued to the table.

"If you don't want to continue today you don't have to." You told him, tapping your fingers on the table. He ignored you.

"Well the day of the robbery I was pulled aside by the police.... My wife had been killed by an electrical shock, my unborn child along with her.." He continued bitterly, clenching his teeth. You looked at him sadly.

"I'm sorry for your loss... But... Why are you telling me the truth?" You asked, looking into his green eyes. His demeanor complete changed. He instantly smiled widely, beginning to laugh.

"Because, my dear, you're a different breed of crazy."

I go Loony (Joker X (Good) Reader)Where stories live. Discover now