Chapter 13

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Your eyes fluttered open, blurrily looking around the now dark room. You sat up, noticing that the Joker was gone and that a blanket was laying on your legs. Yawning, you stood up, laying the blanket on the couch. You walked through the darkness to the door, grabbing the handle and pushing it open. Fewer men stood in the building, those that did had beers and played what you assumed was poker.

"Uh... Hello?" You called softly. Three men who were drinking in a group turned their heads, their masks all on top of their heads.

"Yeah?" One of the men replied. You slowly walked to them, crossing your arms over your stomach.

"Where's Joker?" You asked, glancing up at them. They seemed nervous, their eyes darting around.

"The boss is out.. He told us to keep an eye on you.. Want a beer?" He answered, opening a mini fridge that had been hidden behind him.

"Got anything stronger?"

"Of course." He smiled, grabbing a bottle of whiskey. You grinned softly, uncrossing your arms to grab the bottle. You took a swig, letting out a sigh of relief. The men seemed to relax a bit.

"So... What do you guys do around here?" You asked, looking between the group playing poker and the men you stood with.

"Play poker, chat, drink, basically whatever passes the time." One of the other men answered. You nodded, putting out your hand.

"I'm (Y/N).." You introduced. The tallest of the men took your hand gently, shaking it. He had jet black hair and blue eyes. He was almost as slender as the Joker.

"I'm Mitch, it's a pleasure." He replied with a soft smile. The goons weren't as evil as the news made them out to be. You took a swig as one of the other men took your hand. He was just a bit taller than you and was muscular, his eyes were a brownish green and his hair was red.

"Collin." He said. You smiled and nodded as you shook hands with the last one. He seemed to be the most conceded out of the other two. He was almost as tall as Mitch, his body was more muscular than Collin's. His eyes were so dark you couldn't see the pupils, his skin was tan, his hair was brown and dyed blue.

"The name's James." He smiled softly. You pulled your hand away, taking another swig. The burn in your throat made you smile.

"It's nice to meet you." You smiled. The three nodded happily as a large hand grabbed your shoulder. You jumped as the hand spun you around. You dropped the bottle as you were met with an almost terrifying sight. A huge man with one arm had a hold of you. The top of his head was bald and the hair he did have left was a bright green. He had a red nose and white makeup. He was wearing nothing but a pair of tattered shorts. You moved away, slipping on the bottle and falling on your back. The man took a step towards you, panicking you crawled backwards away from him and the other men. He continued to take steps toward you as you hit the door to the room you'd woken up in. You crawled back against the door and pushed yourself into a standing position against it. The man still lumbered toward you.

"H-Help." You begged, the rest of the men looked terrified. The door slammed open and all but the man coming toward you, looked away. You couldn't see who'd walked through the door but once a gunshot was heard the large man fell forward, almost hitting you on the way down. You pressed yourself against the door as you had full view of the Joker pulling a large revolver into his waistband. A sadistic smile painted his red lips.

"Oh, c'mon guys. Someone clean Jason up off the floor." He said before laughing hysterically. Your face was pale with fear as you felt around for the door knob. You turned the knob once you found it and ducked into the dark room. You didn't flip the light on as you ran to the door on your left. You threw the door open and took a step inside. A bed sat against the opposite wall, a window above it. The Joker had killed a man without blinking an eye, and he'd smiled looking at the man's corpse. You couldn't let yourself be manipulated by a sick fuck. Closing the door behind you, you ran to the bed and opened the window. You climbed through it as you heard the Joker call your name. You panicked and threw yourself out of the window, landing on the ground with a thud. You coughed and picked yourself up, looking around. You walked around the corner to the back of the building. There was nothing for miles. You were trapped. Suddenly a rage you'd never seen overtook you.

"God damn it!" You growled through gritted teeth, sending your hand into the wall. Everything had been taken away from you; your apartment, your job, your box, your freedom.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it!" You screamed, beating your fists into the wall. You never asked for this. You didn't do anything to deserve losing everything you did. The Joker stepped next to you, his signature smile gone.

"(Y/N)." He said softly. You turned to him, your eyes filling with tears.

"I didn't ask for any of this!... They've taken everything from me!" You almost screamed.

"Now I'm trapped here with a bunch of animals and a serial killer!"

"I killed him because he was about to hurt you. You can leave anytime you want." Joker said, narrowing his eyes in hurt.

"Where would I go?"

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