Chapter 2

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As you unlocked your apartment your head was in the clouds. Utter confusion.

"Because, my dear, you're a different breed of crazy." He had said. Without another word you left. As you walked out he began laughing wildly, it echoing in your head. That one phrase had gotten under your skin. Did he think you were like him? That you were to be trusted..? After looking at his profile you had a good sense of what he was trying to do. He wanted to get under your skin. He wanted to manipulate you like he had done to Harleen Quinzel. That wasn't happening. You pushed the thought from your mind as you drove home, pulling into the parking lot. Inside you cooked a small meal and ate at the table. Once you were done you went to bed, changing into your pajamas. As you laid there a nagging itch told you to take a look at your past. You sat up and flipped on the bedside lamp, pulling a box from under your bed. You pulled out a folder. (Y/TOWN) PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL, JUVENILE FACILITY it read. You opened and once again began reading through the doctors notes.

(Y/N) (L/N) April 9, 2005.

(Y/N) seems to have had a fit at school. While in the fit she attacked three students, sending them to the hospital with bruises and bite marks. One child sustained a broken nose. It's no doubt uncharacteristicly violent.

You pulled the tape recorder out of the box, clicking the play button.

"So, (Y/N)... I heard you did something at school today." The doctor's voice sounded.

"Yeah... So what?" You snapped in reply.

"Why did you do it?" The doctor asked.

"Because they were insulting my mom."

"They were? What were they saying?"

"They said... That... That my mom killed herself because she didn't want me..." You whimpered.

"You know that's not true... Your mother had problems... It wasn't your fault." The doctor assured you.

The tape clicked off and you put tpur hand on you mouth. Tears stained your cheeks; you hadn't known you were crying. You put them back under the bed and went to sleep.

I go Loony (Joker X (Good) Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant