Chapter 14

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  After a heated discussion you and the Joker came to a decision, this needed to end and it needed to end now. The next morning you, Joker, and the three goons you’d previously met all drove back to Gotham. You drove to your place first. It was crawling with cops. You didn’t have any proof that it was your boss and old therapist that had framed the Joker. With the security footage gone it was your word against theirs, so you made a plan. You would call your boss, Hugo Strange, pretending not to suspect a thing. When they arrived with the Joker look alike to finish the job the real Joker and his goons would force them to admit their crimes. The plan was set so you called your boss.

  “Hugo Strange.” He greeted.

  “Mr. Strange, this is (Y/N).” You whispered as if afraid.

  “(Y/N)? You sound terrible, is everything alright?” He asked with mock concern.

  “No, please… I need your help.. I’m at the underpass near the hospital.. Can you come get me?” You asked soft and sweetly.

  “Of course I can, dear… I’ll be there in 20.” He replied, his voice lightening up.

  “Thank you.” You whispered, hanging up. The Joker was smiling as he handed you his revolver.

  “If anything goes South..” He said nonchalantly. You tucked it into the back of your waist band as the Joker dropped you off inside the empty underpass, quickly driving away to hide the car. You waited for about 10 minutes before the Joker walked into the underpass, without his goons. It was the look alike. You didn’t pull your weapon.

  “J-Joker?” You asked with fake fear. The look alike smirked widely as he moved to you, walking right in front of you. If you shot him now the plan would be ruined. He slinked up to you before footsteps thudded behind you before the real Joker tackled the look alike. You panicked, they looked exactly the same. The two Jokers fought on the ground until one had the other in a headlock, fearing it was your Joker you pulled your gun. They stopped fighting, but didn't put their hands up either. Your gun waved back and forth, you had no idea who was real and who was fake.

  “Shit… This is how this is gonna go down. Movie style. I'm going to ask a question that the Joker can answer with ease.” You explained, cocking the revolver. The Jokers nodded.

  “The night you stayed at my house… You admitted your feelings to me… What did I say in return?” You asked simply. The Joker on the left smirked.

  “You said you loved me.” He answered. He was wrong. The one on the right smirked wider.

  “You told me that if I ever tried to hurt you again you'd kill me.” He answered. Correct. Without hesitation you shot the Joker on the left. The Joker on the right walked to you.

  “Strange’s car is parked on top of the overpass..” Joker relayed. You were fearful, you'd just killed a man. Footsteps echoed through the overpass. You looked up to see your boss and childhood therapist walk down. The Joker grabbed you by the throat and began to take strangle you.

  “Play along.” He whispered. You struggled mockingly, making it look real.

  “Bring her, Clay.” Hugo ordered. Joker hoisted you up and dragged you to them. Tears went down your face.

  “Why?” You cried. Your old therapist spoke first.

  “You took everything from me.” He spat. Next was your boss, Hugo.

  “The owner wanted to give you a promotion… My job. I worked years to get where I am.” He hissed.

  “So we got Clay here to transform into the Joker… And massacre the asylum.. He was supposed to kill you as well… After all, the police wouldn't suspect a thing if the Joker massacred the asylum again.” Your old therapist explained.

  “I've heard enough.” A deep voice growled from above you. The Joker released you and giggled.

  “C'mon batsy, the confessions were just getting good.”

  “Batsy? You aren't Clay, are you?” Hugo asked, smirking softly.

  “Nope.” You replied. Batman dropped down from the overpass. He grabbed your boss and your therapist, knocking them out then tying then up. You escorted him to the dead look alike as his corpse began to change. He seemed to melt into a glob before picking himself up.

  “Clayface.” Joker spoke. So that's who Clay was. You backed up as Batman prepared for a fight. Joker grabbed your arm and pulled you farther away to watch the fight. Batman continuously froze Clayface, but it didn't seem to be enough. You ran from Joker and to Clayface, revolver cocked. The next time Batman froze him you started shooting. The extra boost was just was he needed to make Clayface fall apart. You smiled triumphantly as the Joker walked to you, eyebrow raised. You turned and hugged him.

  “It's finally over.”

  “Not quite.” Batman replied. He grabbed the Joker from you, zip tying him and started to escort him away. In a panic you pistol whipped him in the back of the head. Batman fell forward, nearly on the Joker. He looked shocked, your eyes widened.

  “We have to get out of here.” You squeaked. The Joker started to laugh insanely as he ran away from the scene. You chased after him and started laughing yourself. You were crazy.

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