Weird 9

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Jiminie: kookie~

Junglicious: what do you want?

Jiminie: can you help me with something?

Junglicious: ask Yoongi hyung bye

Jiminie: no! Just help me, okay?

Junglicious: fineeee

Junglicious:  what is it?

Jiminie: okay so I bet Taehyung that I will find his house in 3 days

Junglicious: andddddd that has anything to do with me because?

Jiminie: I need your help with finding information about him

Junglicious: Fuck this shit I'm out

Jiminie: please!

Junglicious: I don't wanna be labeled as what you call a stalker

Jiminie: you're not a stalker

Jiminie: you're just finding info about someone through the internet for their address and go visit them

Junglicious: that is stalker stuff right there

Jiminie: Kookie

Junglicious: I ain't doing this

Junglicious: I don't wanna invade his privacy

Jiminie: .okay fine

Junglicious: good

Junglicious: now let me watch some anime

Jiminie: that is what all you care about

Jiminie: those dumb cartoons

Junglicious: did you just say cartoons?

Jiminie: yes, aren't they cartoons?

Junglicious: they are called ANIME


Jiminie: jungkook I can read it once

Jiminie: no need to write 3 more times

Junglicious: just letting you know what anime is

Jiminie: bye I'll go alone on my mission

Junglicious: good for you

Junglicious: have fun

Jiminie: oh I will ;)

Junglicious: you creep

Junglicious: bye

Jiminie: bye ;)))

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