Weird 27

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(Holyyyyy how did he found out?! - Jimin)

Jiminie: what are you saying Jungkook?

Junglicious: Taehyung is taeyeong

Jiminie: what? Nooo

Junglicious: don't lie to me

Jiminie: trust me, I'm not

Junglicious: I don't believe you

(Shoot, I got nothing... - Jimin)

Jiminie: just believe me, okay? Taehyung will show how he looks like

Junglicious: I went to his Instagram

(Aw! I forgot about that! - Jimin)

Jiminie: what?

Junglicious: remember you told me about his insta?

Junglicious: well I looked it up yesterday day and guess what? He looked EXACTLY like this Taeyeong guy

Jiminie: that wasn't his Instagram... It was actually Taeyeong's hahaha

(Please believe this lie - Jimin)

Junglicious: then why did you say you found Taehyung's Instagram, huh?

Jiminie: it was autocorrect

Jiminie: their names were so similar that I didn't even realized it, haha

Junglicious: I still don't believe you

Jiminie: okay then....

Junglicious: if I found out you lied to me..I'll never tell you where the jams are and won't talk to you for 3 weeks

Jiminie: that's harsh.

Junglicious: if it turns out to be true that you lied to me then I'll also not talk to Tae for 3 weeks

Jiminie: sounds fair enough..

Junglicious: good

Junglicious: now bye

Jiminie: bye

(I need to hurry and tell Tae what's happening! He better be  grateful, I'm saving his butt again - Jimin)

(Time to talk to you, Taehyung - Jungkook)

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