Beating the Master

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Ayano walked into the plaza where all the students were conversing. She spotted her senpai nearby and felt a blush creep onto her cheeks. She felt all fuzzy and warm, and she felt energy surging through her. She bowed down shyly and cupped her hands, as she didn't know how to act. "What's up with her?" she heard her senpai ask. Ayano tried to go back to her normal state, and ran off. 'Senpai noticed me!' she excitedly thought. Senpai was the best thing that ever happened to her in her mundane life. She used to feel no emotions at all, and now because of her senpai, she felt love for the first time ever. She hadn't realized that love felt so nice! But with having the emotion of love, she had to feel the other emotions too. Which weren't as nice as love. Anger and jealousy rushed through her when she saw her rivals. They were trying to steal her senpai! How dare they! They will pay.

The bell rang and she went to class. If she wanted to impress her senpai, she would have to have good grades. And if she wanted to kill her rivals properly, she would have to study properly. So either way, she had to go to boring class. Ayano was actually focusing on making a plan to kill her rivals. She decided she would kill her by poison. When she was happy with her plan, she tried her hardest to focus and eventually, class ended. Ayano was kind of happy, since now she can kill her rival. She decided not to kill Osana because that would effect her senpai deeply. But she would kill the rest, and she would show no mercy.

Ayano sneaked into the science club and took the poison from the cabinet. She rushed out and ran towards the cafeteria. She was running towards it when she collided straight into someone, and landed on top of them. Ayano looked at who it was and saw that it was the leader of the martial arts club, Budo Masuta. They were both startled, and realized they were in a weird position."Ugh, I don't have time for this," she moaned and got off of him. "Ayano, wait up!" Budo shouted to her when she was about to leave. Ayano didn't turn back, she knew it was a waste of valuable time. "What's that bottle in your hand?" he asked. Ayano froze. She realized that she had been running around with the poison clearly visible in her hands. She cursed herself in her mind and turned around to face him. She put on a fake smile and answered," oh, that's just something I need for an experiment!" Budo didn't look like he bought that lie, and Ayano smiled brighter to make him believe. Her cheeks were starting to hurt, and she really didn't like smiling in the first place. "O-okay, I guess that make sense..." Budo said. Ayano felt like she accomplished something immense, even though it was just lowering Budo's suspicions. Well, at least she still has time to kill her rival right? Just then, as if the world hates her, the bell rang. 'Damn you Budo, you wasted my time!' she cursed. She really felt like killing him now.

Ayano went back to the science club to put the poison back, to not arouse any more suspicions. She waited patiently until class ended and went out of the room. She was about to leave the school when she remembered that she had to go to the martial arts club. She walked up the stairs and went into the martial arts club. "Hey Ayano-chan!" Mina greeted. Ayano smiled at her and greeted back. Shima and Juku was sparring this time(I don't know if they change, but for now they do) Ayano sat down by Mina and watched then spar. These two weren't like Mina and Sho, they were actually fighting. After the sparring match and Shima won, they sat down too. "Mina and Sho, you two are up...again," Budo sadly said. Sho noticed his expression and he knew why he was sad, so he asked," Budo, what if we sat out for a second and someone else spars?" "But there's no one else," Budo argued. "Are you serious, there's you, and Ayano," Mina piped up. 'What me?! Don't you dare add me into this!" Ayano thought in her mind. "Yeah, but Ayano probably doesn't want to spar with me, right Ayano?" Budo said. Ayano thought about it. She would rather sit by and watch the others fight, but she also wanted to show Budo how much she hated him after what he did today. In the end, she decided that she would fight him, show him that he shouldn't mess with her. Ayano got up and said," I wouldn't mind," and got into position.

Budo let Ayano have the first move, and so she charged at lighting speed towards him. She threw a punch, but he dodged. 'Let's see if you can dodge this!' she thought and kicked him in the nose. Budo's hands flew up to his injured nose, and stumbled back a bit. He groaned and wiped blood away from his nose. "Wow, I never expected that from you," he admitted. Ayano smirked and went to throw another punch. Budo caught her hand, and threw it back. He was going easy before, and now he had took it up a bit because he knew Ayano was capable of it. Budo tripped her, and she fell, but she got back up again. Ayano punched him again, this time hard in the stomach. He winced and tried to not show the pain. She treated him like he was just a sparring dummy, like he wasn't a real person. That's because she was really mad at him, and she didn't care about him. She kicked him onto the ground and declared," I won!" The martial artists looked at her in awe. "Wow, I never thought anyone would beat Budo," Sho said. "Yeah," Mina agreed. Ayano smirked and was about to walk away, when she realized that her sparring partner was on the ground. She reluctantly helped him up. "W-wow, you're quite strong! You beat me so quickly! And threw some very strong punches!" he congratulated while wiping his nose again. Ayano didn't feel sorry for what she did but it would be impolite if she didnt say sorry. "Sorry about your nose! I didnt go easy on you becasue I thought that you wouldnt go easy on me," she apologized. Actually she was thrilled that she could beat the leader, and she found it hard to hide that fact. But she kept her composure."Its fine, its only a little blood," he admitted. Just then the bell rang and the martial artists changed, and left the club and went home.

Ayano changed into her uniform and went home. She opened the door of her house and went inside. She went up to her bedroom and got fresh. She changed into her pajamas and did her homework quickly. Then she went to sleep, thinking about a life with her senpai, with no one in the way.....

This chapter was kinda like another in a different story! I'm so sorry, I just didnt have any original ideas. I hope you don't mind....

It'll get spicier in a few chapters, just bear with me! I promise!


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